
I confess I didn’t. I was too horrified about the defacing of the table in the library. I suck at “awareness,” I guess.

You know....I don’t think I love this. Who is this aimed toward — teachers? Do we think teachers don’t try to intervene with troubled kids? Students? There were students interacting with this kid, and anyway, asking students to police the behavior of “creepy loner weirdos” is how you get bullying. (And I mean, say you

Wikileaks claims that the documents show “close collaboration” between the NSA and the BND, Germany’s foreign intelligence agency, a revelation that is not entirely new.

I agree. The bottom line it that being right about issues (equality, the environment, education, etc.) is great, but it is of little value if you cannot find the path to success. I don’t care for Jost, and I think he is dangerously close to suggesting some level of pandering, but the sentiment of trying to figure

They dont have all the guns, not by a long shot.

Dig how you explained what Big Mouth Billy Bass is, but I had to Google “Alexa.”

As if his hands could wrap all the way around a baby’s neck.

Stop with the auto play ads! Please! I can’t surf Jezebel at work any more cause the damn ads play by themselves.

I wondered that myself. Probably a combination of jealousy, resentment and judgment. Still kind of sucks to be excluded from the women’s table/group/conversation.

The cold shoulder I get from the moms is very chilly.

Same happened to me. with my friend of 20+ years. I’m more than willing to tag along with her, her new mom friends and their kids, but she just doesn’t include me anymore.

Yeah, I’ve kind of gotten used to the fact that whenever a friend has kids that I’ll see less of her. Not because she doesn’t socialize anymore, but because she will mostly socialize with other people who have kids. I mean, I understand the reasons why, but it still makes me kind of sad.

You might be sensing jealousy. i dont know your neighborhood  scene, but a lot of mothers might be fantasizing about living your life and it reads as cold. anyway, its a possibility.

I decided not to have children. It’s not bravery, but I do have to prepare myself for the neighborhood functions. The cold shoulder I get from the moms is very chilly.

Or you could go as Dr. Joyce Brothers doing a PSA on candy.

Look at Barron in the picture of the three of them. That is not a happy little boy. There is a part of me that feels sorry for him. However, I know that he is going to turn out to be a giant fuckwit like his older brothers.

This is a visual representation of nouveau riche.

Is it just me or has there really not anything damning in these email leaks? Or is the Hillary Kool-Aid just hitting me too hard?

This sounds fake. Why does a sister need to be the maid or matron of honor anyway? It seems like the perfect situation to have a friend in the role or just forgo having attendants completely.