
Trump’s America: Where simple facts are exercises in pedantry.

Just so you know the way you look at it is factually incorrect. They work for the teams.

“Sharia Law” sounds like a made-up TV name for the lead character in a show about a female hard-drinking street-justice vigilante in a near-future dystopia Earth.

This is Deadspin. Poop is never TMI.

Congrats on your poop. Best news I’ve read all day.

I read this on the toilet and my reaction at the first was enough to knock out of my colon a poop that I was struggling to get out. Thank you, Wingnut #1!

FYI, sharia law now involves scantily clad women, men bending over in front of other men, alcohol, and touching a pig skin.

Wenster’s dictionary defines BoFA as

Not much dog. What’s up with you?

A better question is why he even bothered making an acronym for something he literally used ONCE in the entire article.

These nuts that grow around the root of the hardwood.

Bank of America destroyed this country in 2008

bofa as in bofa deez nuts

And how dare Coach K make me think of him as human!

This was a fight that I lost so many times with my editors that I eventually quit journalism. You would not believe the number of times that reporters want to call a lie a lie, and editors walk it back because they’re scared of seeming like the reporter is “taking a side.” Telling the truth is not a demonstration of

So now it’s a political statement to say that discriminatory laws are stupid?

Hey, Meals on Wheels isn’t political, either. But, you know, it’s 2017, and evidently feeding the elderly poor just isn’t a good investment anymore and anybody who says differently or advocates basic human decency is just being ‘political’ anymore.

I was so excited for them to walk into a bar and then it didn’t happen.

Who are these people you see who are sucking off the system with their back problems?

To the people who support Trump and will lose health care. . .