
I find the lip syncs last night a bit strange… I mean they were all so produced, it makes you wonder, who really came up with them and how were they put together? I have to say I was spoiled before I saw the finale, but Violet's was so *clearly* the best and most complex, not to mention a bit of flattering editing

The first point is what I was kind of most tense about during the rest of the episode with Jon and the wildlings. I knew *something* was going to happen, but I thought it was going to be once they got back to the wall, but I guess we'll have to wait for another week.

Ginger had a porn video? What's this?

I love that her backstory was only hinted at and not filled in. And whilst I'd love to see Theron in this role again, I think it might be more powerful if comfined to this one, and that sequels will follow the MM standard of being standalone stories with barely any continuity between them,

I've often thought this would be a fantastic ending to the show, if they could pull it off and be really smart with the casting. Not necessarily to our present, mind, but a few decades later at least.

Season 1 of Mad Men is definitely stronger than season 2 or 6 or 3 of Mad Men, in my opinion.

I have to agree, I find it painful to watch some of her non-Buffy (well, mainly post-Buffy) stuff because she just seems *so* wooden, but in Buffy she is awesome, except for maybe the final season because the writing for her was kind of 'whine, speechify, repeat'. Especially the early seasons though - she gets the

I have to say, I really tried with Seinfeld, going as far to jump to so called great episodes from seasons 3-4 because the first two were such a slog, and I still barely laughed and didn't really get it. Kramer and Jerry were particularly unfunny. I did like Elaine, probably because Julia Louise Dreyfuss. But yeah,

It was good, but it wasn't as good as 'Background Check' from earlier in the season.

It's weird how much I love Winston now after feeling like he was the weak link in the ensemble pretty much up until this season. Did the writing for him improve or did it really take that long for him to grow on me?

And one was a lot better than the other.

The beginning of season 2 was so good, it's really sad that by the time I got to the finale I just didn't care.

And making the Black Widow kidnapping have any relevance at all.

I feel like it *makes sense* and I like the relationship between them as it was portrayed in the first Avengers movie, but the dialogue between them during the 'romantic' scenes just seemed a little forced and cheesy, so I have to say I didn't really buy it.

I definitely found this annoying RE Stark, kind of makes the end of IM 3 lose its impact, I thought part of the beginning of AoU would be getting him back into his suit or what have you. And it would've made sense narratively to nod to this, since his ideal Ultron would mean he really could retire.

I might give this a higher ranking, but I'd have to agree with this review. The interview with Whedon on Buzfeed recently was quite telling, he clearly did the best he (or possibly anyone) could've done under the circumstances, but it does drag a bit and the humour and lightness just doesn't match the first one - I

I watched 7 at the cinema the other day, having only seen the second one in the cinema when I was like 13 (and don't remember any of it).

I'd say these films occupy a fairly unique space, starting with a modestly budgeted B-movie and turned into a massive franchise that's not based on a series of books or comics, and which - surprisingly - seem to be getting better as they continue. If it's a good film, it's a good film, no matter the genre, right?

Mainly witnesses being allowed to listen to other witnesses testimony in the courtroom, choosing their barrister in the way that they did, and the legal discussion in the second episode regarding the confession being made inadmissible in front of the jury. Also other aspects like Jocelyn's interaction with various

The problem is that the courtroom scenes are really unrealistic and not representative of how the court system works in the UK.