
Am I the only one who was never a massive fan of Coach Taylor? I mean, I can see him being a good coach and role model to the kids he was in contact with, but for the type of kid I was, I'm not sure I'd appreciate his shouty manliness. As a gay kid who went to an English private school and hated sports, I can't say

For what it's worth, Into Darkness was much worse than Generations.

Hmm, I think she'll have longevity regardless, but you're right in that she's unlikely to be a big star if she doesn't have hit soon.

Indeed, I mean granted I've not seen much of season 2, but just the dialogue at times in AoS is pretty painful. Especially from Coulson, whose trying-to-be-witty sub-Whedon rapport with the rest of the team is incessantly grating. Man, I hate that guy. This show is operating on a whole different level.

The weird thing about these characters is that sometimes it's hard to tell if they have no depth, or if we're purposely being withheld stuff to be revealed later. I was assuming the latter at the beginning, since there often seems to be this backstory or underlying tension between lots of characters, but now it's

Medulla is quite underrated. As strange as it sounds, there are quite a lot of good songs on it. Like Mouth's Cradle and Where is the Line, particularly. I definitely prefer it to the albums she's made since. And to Debut, which I was never much of a fan of either.

I don't know, Biophillia was pleasant enough despite only a couple of highlights, those Volta songs are okay but the rest is so much duller and more self indulgent compared to most of Biophilia.

I don't think either season was perfect, but I kind of felt the first season was far slower? Far more repetitive with regards to Spectors side of the narrative plus that irrelevant political subplot… Eh. Both seasons had their flaws, but 2 was a bit more gripping for me.

I sort of echo what some other people have said with regards to the show's portrayal of Patrick and that it is critical of his behavior, but I do think there's definitely something to be said for the ignorant way poz guys are treated by the gay community/online.

Yeah. I like that the show's exploring it a bit, my relationship has been open for a couple of years and it's not something you'd normally see on TV (or at least, see working). But I have the feeling it's not going to end that well for these guys, particularly as they've started the relationship being open and it

A fave from Bart's Girlfriend:

Yeah, I've thought the same many times of Seinfeld. I skipped ahead to supposed good episodes like the one listed here, and a small chuckle is all it could ever enlist from me, and that'd only be from either Jason Alexander or Julia Louis-Dreyfuss. I can respect its influence and ground-breaking-ness, but I don't

I feel like 5 had the best string of episodes the show has had in the middle, but then had weaker episodes towards the end and the worst finale the show's ever had. ('IT'S NOT YOUR TOOTH THAT'S ROTTEN!!!')

I see, interesting to know. Look forward to pushing my way through the rest of season 2, it's been too long since I saw that finale :)

Sorry, I meant episode 7 OF season 2. Not "Episode Seven" of the whole series. The original comment was about not watching episodes 'past the middle of season 2' to which someone commented that there were great moments in between, 'namely the ones directed by David Lynch'. And I was just clarifying that he didn't

He didn't direct any from episode 7 until the season finale.

Ah, so the pool scene was some sort of exorcism. It now finally makes sense.

Moira Kelly looks a lot more like an older Lara Flynn Boyle than current Lara Flynn Boyle does.

The disappearance of Emma was pretty funny. it's true, season 9 definitely went more downhill after its second half, season 8 wasn't as bad, but I do remember it having a stronger first half with stronger episodes.

The weren't as bad as season 4, and Community has always been an inconsistent show even with Harmon onboard (except season 2, but even that has a couple of poor episodes).