
I hope Legend of Korra is in the list because it's on it's second season of the year and it's been pretty much consistently excellent in both of them.

This season might be better than season 3? I don't think I've enjoyed it this much since season 1, they're really keeping the pace up and moving through storylines that could be stringed out for ages. Hope they're building to a decent ending since there's no way there'd be another season, right?

Most Mitchell interviews in the last few years sound bitter, eccentric, entitled, and arrogant, sprinkled with a little charm and insight occasionally.

Mary's In India was on her second album, Life for Rent

It is strongly hinted in The Plan that Baltar left that note.

Agreed, far too on-the-nose. I liked the mystical/Starbuck stuff, personally.

Indeed, the spiritual stuff was there from the very start and for the ending to basically say 'there is a higher power out there' felt perfectly in line with what we'd seen before, but lots of idiots saw that and thought it was being overly 'religious' or whatever.. Unless we wanted some really ridiculous sci-fi

Not sure I agree with Dollhouse. The first season only became good in its last few episodes (and the original Epitaph is probably my favourite episode of the show). Even though the second felt incredibly rushed in it' second half (as though they tried to cram 2 season's worth of plot into like, 5 episodes) I kind of

Bleh. It was a great decision (even if a pretty necessary one) for the makers of the new TNG Blu-rays to *not* mess with the original 4:3 composition. Being 'cinematic' is about a lot more than aspect ratio. Pisses me off that lots of old TV shows undergoing HD remasters are being changed to *fit* widescreen TVs these

Every couple of months without fail my upstairs neighbour wakes me and my partner up by playing this song, and only this song, on repeat at like 2am on a weekday. That is why I hate this song. I just keep thinking, 'jump, already.'

I'm not sure it would've made a great 3 hour movie. It's a very episodic book and I think would feel pretty jumpy and rushed as one film. Tbh it'd probably be better suited to be a miniseries. But then that's true of many books…

I knew it was improvised, but she has sung the whole thing live at least once a couple of years ago. Definitely think it loses something in it's truncated version, and the production of the vocals are all off on GD.

Yeah, I guess that's the thing with this album, the weaker songs aren't terrible, but the ones that are good (Pretty Good Year, Cornflake Girl, Icicle, Cloud on my Tongue, Yes Anastasia) are *really* good and some of my most-played Tori songs. They sort of outshine the others quite a bit for me.

Yeah Northern Lad is definitely my least favourite (thought it was a fan favourite myself, what do I know…), but I LOVE Pandora. Really grew on me. No album is perfect to me, but her others have at least a couple more tracks I'm not as keen on.

See for me, Choirgirl is so perfect in terms of it's production and composition that it makes me sad in regards to her 2000s output. It's like, 'you did it so well there, what happened?'. I think it's still her most consistent album.

I've seen her a number of times (7?) since 2005 and whilst always great, with surprises each night, I've not been wowed that many times because it doesn't quite have the fire of lots of the 90s performances I've seen/heard before online.

Yeah, though I to be fair she'd been singing that version of it live for years (I think she's only sung the full version once or twice?). But for sure, Gold Dust was a bit of a missed opportunity. Yes Anastasia was already orchestrated, the vocals on GD lack the rawness of the original, those over-produced, layered

I do really like this album, but it's not one of my favourites. LE, FTCH and BFP were stronger, in my opinion. There are a few on this, like Wrong Band, Baker Baker, God, Bells for Her and (original version of) The Waitress that I'm not too fussed on.

I've never gotten the fan-love for Zuko myself. He was such a one-note, repetitive, whining character for ages, and his overall bad-to-good arc was very predictable. I'm not saying he had no depth, but for most of the show I just kind of rolled my eyes at everything he said. By the time I'd got to season 3 he had

I think it fits with the character, and it definitely came across as irrational, closed-minded, and homophobic from her perspective but I kind of thought that was the point. It was a very true-to-life attitude someone like her would have had and the fact she is more worried about being publicly embarrassed by it later