
This has me crying at work, because... same.

I had consensual sex with the guy who raped me. I didn’t want to admit to myself that the dude I thought was a great guy was a rapist. And I bought his weak excuse, because I wanted to believe he was a great guy. Women don’t want bad guys, we want good guys. We want good guys so much, we’ll try to convince ourselves

I also felt really angry...It’s like a rage that has stayed with me. I don’t think you lose that. Nope, you sure don’t. I’ve been living with it for so many years.

Pretty rude but then Clinton is a public figure so the order in which she lists her roles might matter or mean something to more than just this writer.

It’s also not even remotely accurate.

while I agree with the sentiment behind this and think we — especially media outlets — shouldn’t be leading with these descriptors in 2018... what a weird thing for one person to tell another person, in the public eye or not.

Why does he even care if this comes out? Fighting it brings attention to a story no one would care about. Hearing that Tiger cheated is about as newsworthy as being told the sky is blue.

Not that the two couples are comparable AT ALL, but your comment put into my mind something that happened to me yesterday. IN CHURCH. For EASTER:

Yeah, I attempt at downward facing dog and she’s either shot herself in the crotch or at minimum her gun is poking her in a sensitive area.

Thank you.

I don’t know if she was widely commended, but I thought Mira Sorvino did a good job with her statement. She copped to closing her eyes to rumors because she wanted the work; in the #MeToo aftermath, she asked Ronan Farrow for reliable reporting on his family’s case and she apologized to Dylan Farrow for being part of

But if a significant percent of men already consider women to be nothing more than sex dolls....then...???

Pretty sure they will have a fruitcake at the reception.

Steve was the name of a bouncer during a weird night out in my teenage years. Simply invoking his name induced reverence among other doormen, opened up lines, and had past transgressions forgotten.

If you think Steve is gorgeous, wait until you see Todd.

It was actually a volume of the Encyclopædia Britannica. Which I think has at least as much ironic value as a Bible in this story.

“On the Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin

In most cases, the idea of cultural appropriation need to be thrown out. ESPECIALLY in the arts. It’s a waste of mental energy to try to figure out which color of skin an idea belongs to. Especially after it has been passed through so many minds and people from so many different walks of life.

The only people who care

I don’t see why this doll has to exist.

For those that don’t understand the big deal about her unibrow: She made a huge point in purposefully emphasizing her facial hair because she despised western beauty standards. Erasing that is erasing a large and very important part of who Frida was, as a person.

It’s also kind of crappy they’re completely ignoring the