
My ‘69 Cadillac Sedan Deville had this feature and it only sort-of worked. You had to dig your fingers into the wheel for the horn to sound and that accelerated the deterioration. I assume this was standard on ‘69 Cadillacs, but it was discontinued for 1970. If I had known if was called “Rim Blow” I’m sure it would

Mercedes Benz was one of the last carmakers to get rid of the horn ring; 1974 was their first model year without it, though some 1973s might have been shipped without horn rings. My father had a ring on his 1969 VW Squareback, but he hit it too hard and the ring part broke off. The little buttons on the spokes still

I won’t wear it one second longer than I have to; as soon as I cross the threshold of the store, it’s off. Sweden didn’t shutdown, didn’t mandate masks and had much looser social distancing rules than the USA and their death rate is lower than ours. Now they have herd immunity and the countries that forced people to

Unless someone with COVID19 was sneezing or spitting directly on Pence, a mask would not have protected him. If the virus is already airborn, it will go right through most masks. Moreover, wearing a mask for more than a short time will make any lung infection one might have (bacterial or viral) worse, by forcing one

So Muslims, representatives of a cult founded by a mass-rapist (Quran 33:50) who told his followers to beat their wives with sticks (Quran 4:34, 38:44) are championing their version of “American” values? What do they have to say about Mohamad’s call to kill and dismember J—s (Quran 5:33, Tabari 7:97)? What next, hug a

I see his head hitting the muntins that divide the upper sash, and disturbing the window shade that hangs down from the top; on most modern windows, these muntins are just decorative plastic strips, but even on older windows (other than steel casements) they are not particularly strong. His rear-end appears to be

[if he were white] Would the police have asked for his phone?” .. I hope so. Cops have an obligation to examine the evidence, all the evidence, whether the accuser is white, black, male, female, gay or straight. Too many people have been railroaded because a self-declared victim was seen as being above questioning. No

Not only is this guy being punished for something his father said, but this comes just after the NYT hired an editor (Jeong) who has publicly called for the extinction of white people. We have another editor at CBS who tweeted similar things with no apparent reaction. Kenrick Lammar uses the N-word on stage, invites a

I can’t get worked up over this. Calling anyone “sub-human” is inaccurate; this kind of behavior is well within the range of capabilities of the human species, which is, after all, just another specie of animal. But it’s not racist at all, unless Johnson would avoid categorizing someone of a different race, guilty of

For nearly every religion, there is a reason not to trust its followers. Christians follow a seemingly harmless guy who acted like a pacifist, but claimed that nothing in the barbaric old testament was rendered invalid by anything he said or did. That gives Christians a broad choice of behavior, from that of the

The question that needs to be settled in all of these cases is whether Twitter has any obligation to either respect the “free speech” rights of its users or to refrain from religious discrimination. If it’s just another media outlet, the answer to both those questions is no. A newspaper or magazine is free to be

Let’s face it, the NFL as a whole, as well as each team, is a business and a key factor in keeping it profitable is giving fans something around which to rally. The QB is usually a big part of that something; while the linemen don’t have to be particularly likeable, the QB is usually portrayed as the “good guy” that

I have no dog in this fight. Any sympathy I had for Michael Brown evaporated when I saw what he did to that Indian shop owner. And I despise all religion and want to keep any devoutly religios people who are not already in western countries OUT. Though I’d like to see safe zones set up in the Middle East for those who