
$80,000? Not exactly a poultry sum.

What a bird brain! Chicken is low value. About $1 / lb thigh and $2.50 / lb breast. And that is boneless, bone in is even lower cost wholesale. Beef steak is 5X to 10X value. Holy Cow!


If you have GPS, wouldn’t you also have a working map on that GPS that would give you some clue that you’re doing something highly stupid?  Like going on a road to nowhere?

The company promised that in the future, Maps wouldn’t reroute drivers onto back roads.

Take your star and your ungreying. That was great.

The baby elephant suffered a bit of road rash, and was referred to a pachydermatologist.

Love the wagon, nice looking, functional sporty, everything a Jalop could want in a car (I guess you could paint it brown and swap a diesel into it, but we will call it good as is). The price however...I don’t know if even Bring a Trailer could get you into the high twenties for this 30 year old wagon.  Knock $10

I kNoW wHaT i HaVe!!1!!11!!!1

That is the answer. ND

Hmmm, thought this looked familiar.

Ancient phone, weird screen, television remote, notepad for brain droppings and cassette-shaped disco ball. Loaded indeed.

In a weird way, this is like one of those old yet showroom-fresh-looking compact pickups. It’s so practical, it begs to be your DD. But it’s so beautiful, and every mile you add diminishes the value and exposes it to all the potential indignities of DD life, from door dings in the parking lot to getting T-boned by a

LAS had executives run, not walk, away because the original ship they were planning on purchasing for the cruise was “unseaworthy” and way too small for the ambitious adventure.  

Yep. Never thought I’d see someone try to kickstart a cruise line, but here we are...

Farm Simulator: Hot Pursuit

Where’s Ja Rule at? Istanbul?

The next version of Farm Simulator is gonna be way more intense.

The website is still up and running like everything is all good. The whole thing makes it seem as though the MV Lara already existed. Really super misleading. It’s like a crypto scheme but with a boat.

To sell you home to live on a lawless shit boat must mean you really love cruising.