
A good portion of the people who have to worry about being represented on screen, actualy don't care about being represented on screen, and will also tell you straight away - people offer their own perspective, so fuck off.

"But hey, that's normative privilege at work."

"Plus, he covers the lame attempts to say the Prequels weren't shit"

Thing is, they bought the franchise and immediately announced the new movie - so it could've just been induced by the latter. No one knows, therefore it is known.

Since your son's lame clingy pal, you mean - he never trusted him, he doesn't trust guys who don't work.

"Otherwise, representation is always important in every property"

His best ones were the balanced ones.

Not a frivolous pursuit - not "doesn't matter".

"Any time a white man says representation doesn't matter, it'd be best to stop listening to him."

"That said, the prequel Plinketts are worthwhile."

"They could have risen above and made a good, balanced review last year that said "the prequels aren't great but they aren't terrible" and have Dowd or Vishnivetsky do it."

"I always find it so funny when you have a white dude telling others that representation and diversity don't matter. Even though they would never understand because they've been represented in almost every form of media there is."

"They're more "PC culture has run amok" types. Which is annoying as well, just not as despicable."

"Spending half of your video bitching about the idea of people liking the prequels and the other half complaining about the presence of black people and women in a movie does not make for good criticism."

"And, based on the reactions to this video, that would make this the Episode I of Mr. Plinkett videos."

Jay said he wasn't or almost wasn't involved in Plinkett - Rich Evans is a co writer I think.

If Jay was more reasonable he'd disagree with Mike's preq position - so no.

"The mention of race not mattering that much sounds a lot more like a complaint that they went so diverse, rather than the fact that they made a "safe" attempt at it."

I didn't realize it was a commercial - if it was, I guess it doesn't count as anecdotal evidence :D

Truth is somewhere inbetween - people with no agendas to push don't care as much, but they do to some degree.