android is literally the solution.
android is literally the solution.
I don’t think it’s a good deal though by cutting $50 from removing the dock, grip, charger, and hdmi cable. It seems that this is aimed at households that want multiple Switch systems.
Is playing docked that unusual? I far prefer it docked since image quality is better.
Wow was this a missed opportunity. The voice of Kitt from Night Ridder, Jarvis from the Iron Man movies, The Voice from the computer on Star Trek, there are about a hundred iconic voices from Sci fi and pop culture and millions that would buy androids just for this feature alone. Because who wouldn’t want Optimus…
Legally, no they can’t hold Nintendo responsible. But as a personal matter I think being somewhat upset with Nintendo is reasonable.
Because Nintendo’s update caused it to malfunction? My statement has nothing to do with Nintendos obligation, it’s the fact that the consumer is upset at Nyko when, to my knowledge, the product was working fine before. Yo can still blame someone even if they don’t claim responsibility.
So if the problem occurred after the Nintendo update, wouldn’t this issue be Nintendo rather than Nyko’s fault?
Is she supposed to fix Nintendo’s problems for them? She’s a blogger, not a software engineer. Shouldn’t Nintendo, a company that’s been in the business longer than everyone else at this point, have some sort of grasp on how all this works? Shouldn’t a team of professional designers be able to, you know, do their…
Please for the love of god turn off auto play on your damn advertisement videos.
If your chips are going stale, you’re doing it wrong. All chip bags are single-serving, and come in 2 sizes: small snack and large snack.
Is it possible that MS over inflated the price to make Gamepass more attractive?
So glad I didn’t pay $60 for this game. Will wait until it’s on sale and game share with my brother. 50% off plus another 50% off when gamesharing... if my math is correct that’s a heck of a deal!
[reads headline]
Have you actually seen 60 fps? I refuse to believe that someone can look at 30 and then 60 and not tell a difference. Unless your brain isn’t wired properly.
Nintendo, selling cardboard in cardboard packaging.
Ah yes I forgot that when it’s a big company that’s loved for it’s games it’s practices shouldn’t be criticized in the comment section. They need to be praised for charging more than others.
It is a first world problem, sure. But since we live in a context of being in a first world, the problems are valid, lol.
People are allowed to be bummed for things they were excited for.
LOL, right??? Amazon is great for their 20% discount on Prime preorders, but over half of the time my game either ships late or gets delayed in transit, so I’m always getting new releases 1-3 days late. Normally not that big of a deal, but Nintendo games release on Fridays, so I miss out on weekend play time :(
Incredible that the same collection on a different system 3 years later costs the same, has less in the box and to top it all off didn’t even do that right.