?Сука Блять

Are you confusing copyright law with trademark law?

most IP laws REQUIRE a company “do everything in their power to protect their IP”

You make it sound like Nintendo would be breaking the law by not pushing for copyright claims.

I mean, if that were the case, wouldn’t there be more companies also going this hard?

I don’t understand their goal. They seem insistent on coming down hard on their biggest fans while not really keeping up with modern gaming technology. 

Tell that to my broken foot and marriage. #abusedguy

A yes stopping a debate by saying your view is the only correct view. You would make one excellent dictator.

Woof you should really run off a bridge holy shit what a nuclear take. Made recognitions look reasonable.

How are you out of the grays?

Took me awhile to find this, but yes the original plan is that Overwatch 1 will cease to exist

Shoulda stuck with the original graphics engine. Looks a lot better.

No it’s not supposed to be cross-playable with Overwatch 1. The original announcement is that it would replace Overwatch 1 for everyone, free of charge. And you would pay for the PVE missions.

Yeah they certainly haven’t seen her on Kotaku, Twitch, or elsewhere and absolutely have not ever googled her with SafeSearch turned off.

Yep, a lot of “who” and “I only clicked to engage with your content and let you know that I don’t want more of this content”

I only know who she is because of Kotaku articles.

Those corner cases are buying drugs and other illegal stuff.

The only value it has is towards shady deals.

It's ok, as long as it's in the limelight, they can hide from it's true intentions, a money laundering scheme.

I call NFTs and cryptocurrencies as “next biggest idiot” scheme. Nothing you bought has value unless you find a bigger idiot than you are to sell things to. This isn’t new, pump and dumps is all about finding them, and turning them into bag holders.

cryptocurrency and NFTs are a scam.