?Сука Блять

I think you just made the case for why you need to get a PC

In a perfect world without rust and corrosion, Yes. The sim should give you knowledge and maybe some understanding but to fully learn anything mechanical you require first hand experience.

I have all of the releases. For me, the appeal is in how granular it can get when dismantling things and putting them back together. As a kid, any time an electronic broke, I would always take it apart before my parents threw it away, just to see what all was inside it. Never got the hang of the putting it back

Go the Store ask them to upgrade you to Android device. Any Android phone in the last 5 years has had a “one handed keyboard mode”. Seriously iOS smh.

I’d probably consider buying one. The newest Xbox One controller I own (I think the revamped one that shipped with the One S) lives next to my PC.

The heavy favoring of the people in the back is what makes Mario Kart pointless to me. If you race well and get ahead, you will be punished relentlessly, unable to even begin to build speed again before being hit again and again while someone from behind Bullet Bills into the win.

I blame Tesla for calling something “Autopilot” when it is in fact, just adaptive cruise control that keeps you centered in the selected lane.

What struck me the most about the whole thing is how Nintendo was doing their damnedest to try and push Pokken as an e-sport, while they continue to ignore the flak they are getting for refusing to support their fighting franchise that is already an e-sport.

“For no reason”.

They should put up a bulletin on the NATO phonetic alphabet. “So is it Xbox One Sierra or X-ray that you’re looking for?”

nintendo themselves couldnt give two shits how you play their games.

the single engineer, programmer, or whatever employee != Nintendo 

are you aware how a corporation works? these lawyers are Nintendo employees, paid to be there. So i’d say they kinda do give a pair of shits

I see your bet, and raise

“Sonic is dead” means “Sonic games have been very inconsistent in quality over the past 10 years so I’m going to dismiss them all because I’m too lazy to figure out which are worth playing, but don’t want to admit it.”

...yeah, no, sorry, fuck you Bethesda.

Considering what?

*sigh* That’s what I get for jumping straight to the list and not reading the head. Still though, I mean if we’re talking about something that may not even happen, the mini N64, why not try going whole hog? I want a re-list!

Dude! No Goldeneye or Perfect Dark?

As someone who doesn’t read up on that type of shit, my impressions were this: Wow, it’s a Mass Effect game. Too many sidequests that are fetch quests, but otherwise it’s a Mass Effect game and I don’t see what the problem with that is.