
@kapeed.deepak: listen, i know legally its a crime, but practically nobody would bother the police for such a thing. People would make a big deal out of it, but the police wouldn't get involved for just a punch…. all i'm saying, is that it was no big deal, one punch, and he deserved it...

in india, punching someone in the arm, even if it left a mark wouldn't even be considered a crime. big deal not like he broke his bones or something.. a mark? it'll just go, big deal.

@Edd White: I guess they changed it just a little bit..

@jjpriest25: no you can save shsh blobs even when your idevice is not jailbroken using tinyumbrella.

@Clancycoop: From what i've read, this will be modified so that it'll work if you have shsh blobs saved for 4.1 as well.

@Odin: the pricing is available on there blog. its mostly slightly cheaper than the ipad.

@cPTcAPSLOCK: See you would think that the stripped linux would help with faster boot-ups, but go read up, its as slow as macbook air. so its basically the ssd.

@grimdeath9740: OK, when you're talking about price, you have to understand, that these netbooks are not like thin-client terminals, these laptops need to be powerful enough to decode flash video and such, and run a browser fast enough. In no way, are these going to be much cheaper than other netbooks. Then I think, a

@grimdeath9740: There is no ease of use the way ipad has done it. looking at a browser window is not fun. the mom and pop crowd will pick an ipad over this anyday.

@Bob Barker: These terminals, essentially are using intel atoms, and ARM chips that we all know are capable of MUCH more. and also the price will be no lower than a linux netbook. which btw failed already.

@cPTcAPSLOCK: @grimdeath9740: basically you want web-apps locally. which are basically native apps written with web tools. where its not just a browser anymore… hence windows/osx

The obvious missing part. why would anyone go for chrome OS when you could do the same thing on a windows or OSX machine. Just use chrome the browser. What are the benefits of Chrome OS? Nothing. Just taking away features.

@Robotronic: I so agree with you. Android looks really good on paper, seems to be better than the iphone sometimes, but when i actually used android on multiple phone from hero to galaxy s, its never as pleasurable as the iphone. I mean widgets, they are basically a novelty, that wears off.

@shalegac: well biggest band of all time, dont say. Seriously, too much hype over nothing.

@Nigra: actually gods have Never been known to create man, that is just an opinion.

i never hate him. the prequels.. arent that bad. i never saw episode 2 but i enjoyed 1 and 3. in fact i love episode 3. more than even the original trilogy.