Nam Air

Next things:

Mac users, the absolute best productivity solution is SelfControl. It’s free, and it’s impossible to unset the block once it’s running. It’s simple, you set up a blacklist of sites you don’t want to access during a certain time frame, and press the start button. For that period, nothing you do will get you to sites on

Yeah, weird choice to link, there are plenty like this:

You are the reason there is so much non-decomposeable shit in our landfills. Do you throw away your lamps when the light bulbs burn out too?

You can clean it faster than it would take for you to make a trip to CVS, what a stupid suggestion. “Wasted shampoo”...oh, you mean the literal $0.005 worth of shampoo? And you don’t have any spare toothbrushes around that are used for cleaning?

Now playing

“watch him prepare fugu” i said above is about the video, which we don’t see any of the fugu cooking preparation. He merely take the fish, then the video jumps into an already filleted fugu. that is not “watch him prepare fugu”.

Can you guys possibly kiss up to Tesla more? It’s a damn traffic circle, a rudimentary element of traffic flow. How can this possibly be incredible news to you guys? Next story: Tesla adds fuckin’ awesome in-factory toilets!

I love the care and work these candidates put into their films so I take time and watch them mindfully out of respect for someone trying to create an artistic work. Not all are masterpieces, but there have been some wonderful inclusions and I’ve enjoyed these small presentations every time one is posted on this site.

To you and all the other graceless whiners that can’t get your head around it, let me explain this slowly: this is a FESTIVAL. They are SHOWCASING these shorts so YOU can VOTE for the one you find the BEST. In this sense there isn’t a repost because it’s not a post. It’s like saying: “Look at these works and tell us

“.....needle move on my oxygen indicator....”

Now playing

I'm having trouble finding the full version of the original, but I found this;

there is also (gasp!) the Spotlight Search by hitting cmd+space bar combo that does exactly that.

I think I am really glad I stopped watching this show in season two. Nothing against anyone who likes it, but it doesn't look like it went in a direction that I would have enjoyed. Ok, I am editing this to express surprise that this is season 5. I had no idea it had been on that long. Maybe it was season 3 I stopped

Taken in Oakland. The clouds were rolling in and the moon barely peeped through. Second image is a crop of the image zoomed into the actual pixels. Both shots were at 200 mm with a Nikon D300s.