Naked Man Holding A Fudgesicle

I suppose the obscurity of the macguffin is why they felt the need to overexplain it.

Benedict Cumberbatch of course.

I love Temple of Doom and will always defend it, but I will concede that putting white people in brown makeup to make up the numbers in the Thuggee scenes is a tad in poor taste.

Anthropomorphic mice, very dangerous. You go first.

Woah there, Temple of Doom is fantastic. Not as good as Raiders and Last Crusade, but that's like comparing K2 with twin Everests.

No, I think it would have been great. Indy would meet up with Richard Dreyfus and they could compare notes about abandoning their awful families.

I forgot to mention in my other comment, reminded by the Lucas/Spielberg friendship, that I was reading during the week that originally Apocalypse Now was going to be directed by George Lucas but he eventually gave up the rights to friend Francis Ford Coppola and they had a falling out over it, not sure of the details.

You'd think being old friends that Spielberg would call out Lucas on his bullshit. But the thing is, I get where Lucas is coming from on the premise. The first three Indys are homages to 30s adventure serials, so it makes sense that the Indy film set in the 50s would be a homage to the scifi b-movies of the era. It is

Same, Last Crusade is the first I saw in the theater. It's one of those movies that if I come across it on TV, I'm stuck there watching it to the end. It may be the movie I've watched more times than any other.

And it is a Nazi monkey that says 'Uh oh'.

The word is that everyone hated the dimension-shifting aliens premise, but it was Lucas' idea and Lucas wouldn't budge on it. It went through a few different scriptwriters so what you say is true.

Really? That's one of my favorites.

Yeah, upon watching the three 'originals' on bluray recently with Crystal Skull, I'd say Crystal Skull holds its own. It's definitely the weakest because it was bloated with too many characters and gave Marion nothing to do, but I'm happy to say that it's great.

Disney…..why'd it have to be Disney?

That whole record is packed with greatness, but I Appear Missing is the standout for me. And then Like Clockwork is up next, an awesome pair of songs to close the album.

When I was fifteen,
I played Magic for two weeks,
I played Magic for two weeks,
I purchased cards with Mom's money.

I'm hardly the worst. I'm more in the mediocre/mostly ignored category of AV Club commenters. To be the worst you need to be frequently contributing shit over a long period of time.

It's a great record, just be sure to hit skip when What Are They Doing In Heaven Today? comes on.

You know, I've seen you post this exact same thing on a bunch of articles, and it makes me wonder why you feel that this is some sort of comedy gold that continually warrants repeating. Or maybe you are so desperate for a pointless firstie that this is the only thing your brain can manage to vomit out. Either way, you

I'm going to be that guy and, despite nobody asking, chime in to say I prefer Second Coming over The Stone Roses. Driving South and Love Spreads, what more does one need?