Naked Man Holding A Fudgesicle

There there.

I would have gone with Funhouse over the Test Dream, mostly because it is from a superior episode. I love the callback to the Pussy fish in Tony's dream with the Big Mouth Billy Bass in the next season.

@avclub-b63f73301fe289a7c258eb2e3f4986ce:disqus If only Fiona had tried a little harder, she could have been the one wishing damnation on Tina Fey and Amy Poehler right now.

I like Fiona Apple, I have all of her records except the latest one. But something tells me there are two sides to the Extraordinary Machine story, and this one. I suspect that she is a real pain in the ass to work with.

It's all been a pack of lies.

Unfortunately in the picture above the artist has painted her to look like she's addicted to meth.

To be fair, that is one damn attractive pig up there.

The best thing the Stone Temple Pilots ever did was create a whole new band without Scott Weiland and get the bloke from Filter to sing in his place (and I say this as a guy who loves all of the STP records). That Army of Anyone record is fantastic.

We all know Layne Staley died from a  drug overdose in his apartment in 2002. What this festival presupposes is… maybe he didn't.

@TaumpyTearrs:disqus Mayall is great in Bottom but Adrian Edmondson is what makes that show great, he steals every scene. The first Bottom Live stage show is my favorite, especially where they take the piss out of each other when they forget their lines. Totally brilliant.

Vanquish is completely ridiculous fun but sometimes falls in to the trap that so many of these Japanese games do which is tedious boss fights that seem to last forever.

That young man fills me with hope. Plus some other emotions which are weird and deeply confusing.