
“Vice President, what are your feelings on reparations?”
“Triple money to schools! I was married to a dead teacher! Black parents need to be shown how to put a record player on at night so their kids hear more words.”
Centrist third way: That’s MY President. 

Pivoting hard... to word salad?

While I respect Biden’s career-long strategy of affably standing near more accomplished people (it’s my only skill as well and works great!), you have to recognize that it does not prepare you to lead. The softening of his brain seems to have made him forget the point of it all.

I’ve noticed that over the past two or three years “Why do you have to be so rude?” is really just the way people express that they just had their ass handed to them. When you’ve got nowhere else to go, plead for civility. Now sometimes, it’s totally called for. When Donald Trump inevitably starts saying your kid


I mean...what is Biden doing that merits a fluffing?

I’m curious how “we need a candidate who can stand up and beat Trump” squares with “oh, you can’t say anything mean about him!” Trump will also be calling Biden “Sleepy Joe” or “Forgetful Joe” or whatever, the only difference is that Trump won’t be clever enough or remember enough to catch when Biden immediately

Etiquette can be important, but most people who cling to it do so because they don’t want others pointing out things that are outdated and problematic, like Joe Biden.

Oh, wow. That really sucks. Thanks for sharing this.

Yikes. Sorry you had to deal with that.

We too had a contract with Nicalis and can confirm the EXACT same scenario. Communication was horrible, sometimes going weeks or months without hearing a word from Tyrone. We cut ties with him after assuming he was a terrible business person at best, or a scammer at worst. We insisted as per the contract that he

I was a beta tester for Cave Story+ and NightSky back in 2011. I can confirm that all bug reports had to be sent through Tyrone himself and I never received confirmation/requests for more info about any problems I identified and some were still present in the final release, one issue with the map on a certain screen

I like Joan, but this was an unnecessary way to cover this. 

Hard agree. I like Joan, but this article is a very bad and dumb take.

Hillary Clinton’s sense of humor is amazing and legendary. Of course she brings up her emails, and your positing that the world has moved on from them is simply incorrect. Trump, Fox and co still bring them up all the time. And if you think we’re all going to refrain from “but her emails...” comments for every moment

Weird take, from the casual insinuation that her emails were anything but a nothingburger, to the strange tone that seems to insist as though Hillary owes it to all of us to fix the world. Dunno what you were going for with this, but it seems like you’re just griping about Clinton as an extant person.

Haven’t read yet, just wanted to say: You’ve done it again, Jason. This is the kind of investigative journalism that we need in the gaming industry, and you continue to hit home.

Well, that’ll teach ‘em.

This is a deeply silly and irrational statement.

But I’ll take it...I’ve never stopped about praising Warren. She deserves every bit she gets.