I think you misspelled Princess, the Hypnotizing Dog:
I think you misspelled Princess, the Hypnotizing Dog:
But what about the “47 year old white man and 45 year old white woman from Ohio”?!????!!?!?
2019: Where Ohwhataworld yelling at people that “it’s time to be an adult” can be mad at the same people for supposed virtue-signaling
“She’s not bad. She’s just fine. And just fine is leaps and bounds better than descriptor one can offer McConnell.”
I hate coming to Splinter’s defense just as much as anyone, but they’ve called Beto on his shit since the midterm election: in November 2018, this article titled “Can We Please Not Force Beto 2020?, and this one in December titled “Congressman Beto Looked Nothing Like the Beto Democrats Want To Save Them in 2020", and…
NBC explicitly used polling to determine who would be in which debate night. And how many of those other candidates had glowing Vanity Fair cover articles announcing their candidacy?
I don’t think she spoke at all between the first and last commercial breaks—it felt like Corey Booker and Jay Inslee’s finger ended up with the lion’s share of the air time
Not a clip, per se, but “Plastic Bag Sealer Clips Sticks” by Trendy Cooks have my vote. Really easy to slide on and off, and they actually keep air out for the most part. They don’t work as well with bulky items (like, say, bread bags) or thick bags, but for bulk seasoning and chips, they’re exactly right. They’re easi…
Not a clip, per se, but “Plastic Bag Sealer Clips Sticks” by Trendy Cooks have my vote. Really easy to slide on and…
First of all, the Heat only won one title in the 2000's (2004). Secondly, the Mavs were lionized in 2011, the only people rooting against the Thunder in 2012 were Heat fans and Sonic fans, and people only started rooting for the Heat when they realized their only other option was the Spurs in 2013-2014.
Just take the L, man
Lmao I wanted to see what those bottle openers were made of and found out they’re $2.69 on Amazon, compared to $12.49+shipping on that site:
Lmao I wanted to see what those bottle openers were made of and found out they’re $2.69 on Amazon, compared to…
When I’m using Handbrake to burn-in subtitles, how do I make sure the video quality is unchanged?
If Aspen didn’t regularly have 1.5k people watching her stream, would the Chengdu Hunters have cared?
I don’t understand The Atlantic. Sometimes, they’ve got articles saying Trump HAS to be impeached, and then sometimes they’ve got puff articles about the first family like this one. I’ve subscribed to their news feed for a few years now, but I haven’t seen anything compelling come from them in a long time.
Are we still talking about the same Splinter that published articles headlined “You Don’t Have to Do This, Bernie” and “Bernie Sanders’ Position on Reparations Still Sucks”?
She’s incredibly defensive for what we all would believe is just an honest mistake.
It’s not just the U.S. position, though—the majority of other Latin American countries and European countries also recognize Guaido as the legitimate President of Venezuela, too. I agree that military force should be avoided, but actually supporting Maduro is bad and he should feel bad for saying that.
Dwight Howard’s shoulders + Isaiah Thomas’ size + James Harden handles + Danilo Gallinari’s jumper = wtf