Considering Spicejet is an ultra low cost airline, the lavatory probably felt like 1st class compared to his assigned seat, he should be thanking the cabin crew.
Considering Spicejet is an ultra low cost airline, the lavatory probably felt like 1st class compared to his assigned seat, he should be thanking the cabin crew.
Jalopnik aggregating an Autopian article has a real full-circle feeling about it.
Jesus Christ, why does Kinja constantly use The S*N as a source? It’s literally a shit rag, not worth being used as toilet paper.
Unless it’s a school being held by a gunman in Texas.
To be fair, most people with a track record of causing as many accidents as Verstappen has would not be allowed to rent a car at all.
Anyone else have the strong impression that this was only “necessary” in that somebody wanted to play with their military-esque toys? This driver wasn’t going anywhere, and the truck was surrounded by SWAT, presumably armed to the teeth. They seriously couldn’t come up with a better idea to get the driver out of the…
Your sister is indeed a hot girl with that car history, respectfully.
There is no reliability testing with their cars. There is no evaluation of service records from any database, either.
Maybe I’m simply ignorant on how reliability testing works, but isn’t 6 months a pretty short window to determine how reliable something is? Or is “reliable” code for “free from initial defects?”
That BMW may do good in ‘initial’ reliability but all that plastic under the hood is designed to crumble and fall apart after a few years of heat cycling.
Elon Mush is a POS, and you shouldn’t give him any of your hard earned money.
Why would they take it out of him to put it in themselves?
Not bad coding, they just want to make sure the ads load so they get paid.
Stellantis products have reliability issues??!!! Well I for one, am just shocked. Shocked I tell you; flabbergasted, gobsmacked, befuddled, dumbfounded, mystified, perplexed, and stunned.
Jesus, we get it, we’re all supposed to live like the ultra-Amish, vegan hardcore Amish. Anything other than that, even if it is clearly a step along the way to an actual low resource consumption future is to be decried. I am so sick of the goddamn ideologues in the environmental movement. They demand perfection in a…
Well that’s easy: Guy figured that paying the blackmail would only expose him to more extortion later with no end in sight so he said “aw, they both need to go”.
Pro tip: It’s difficult to make a murder look like a car accident if you shoot your victims.
holy shit, a 1969 Dodge Charger fan is an annoying 60-year-old whiner who blames everything he doesn’t like on the namby-pamby east coast liberal elite? now i’ve seen everything
You mean single issue ‘fascism’. Regulation of roads/cars is not fascism. You may not like it, it may be antithetical to our American values, but it is not fascism if democratically elected officials enact these regulations. Driving is not a right. Hell if we got together as a society (through our democratically…