
Fixed that for you

I work at a huge, multinational corporation with over 100,000+ employees. We made a decision to cease using “ X” months ago. We pulled all logos off our web sites, stopped all social media campaigns and ad buys. More or less cleaned our hands of them. I’m glad we did. The guy is an asshole and we want nothing to do

Maybe I’m off base, but I’m guessing “I’m damaging the fragile cryptobiotic crust” isn’t paramount in the mind of someone who emblazons their Wrangle with it’s name (something like “REAPER” with a skull or bear paw for one letter) and festoons their big boy toy with American Flag Punisher decals and No Step On Snek

I love it that you don’t do a public consult “because the public doesn’t have anything to add to the process.” That sums it up. Let experts and people that rely on science make the decision and it if screws up someone’s “fun”, tough.

Thank you for the well written post. “but I want to tear it up with my side by side” should not be paramount.

I work in environmental science and land reclamation. I manage a federally-protected wildlife sanctuary. I agree that this sucks for the off-road community.

“Affordable project car”???

The trick is to immediately get out of the car after you pull over and in full view of the officer’s dash cam and start chugging the alcohol on camera. That way they can’t get you for drunk driving, only public intox. Trust me, I saw it on TikTok.

bike are supposed to observe traffic laws. they almost never do. in countries where cycling is commonplace and safe, they are much better at this. of course, they are often also better at driving, being courteous and humane on the road, and generally giving a fuck about other human beings.

As a pedestrian, I‘ve literally never had an issue with vehicles turning right on red. That's because I'm an intelligent human being who understands that it's important to make eye contact with the driver of that vehicle, or otherwise ensure that they are clearly not going to start moving when I step in front of them.

I will defend the left turn arrow. No it’s not warranted at every single intersection, but it is really necessary in certain spots where you would probably need to sit through 4 or 5 light cycles before you could even hope to get a gap. 

Normally, I’d agree. But it seems like this article is yet another anti-car hit piece from this supposedly driving orientated magazine. Why do you hate cars and driving so much, Jalopnik?

46-year-long running show... So, by your logic, Richard Hammond was hosting it when he was 7 years old? Hammond, Clarkson, and May were not the ones who “Originally hosted” it.

Top Gear Isn’t Canceled, For Now”

The only order I need on the interstate is you moving to the right.

Cruise control. I have never liked it. Every now and then I’ll turn it on while on a trip, but after 10 minutes or so I turn it off. The newer ones, with the radar that slows you down and speeds you back up when you change lanes, is better. But I still don’t like it.

Doesn’t it go without saying?  If you support this vile skid mark of a human you are, by the very nature of the thing, a delusional moron.

I mean, the dude was driving a Chevy HHR, so there are possible alternatives to domestic terrorism:

“Thinks “Brake” should be “break””

At least you’re focused on the right thing.