
Reminding everyone that when Elon Musk says he bought Twitter to “restore free speech” he’s selling us a load of horse shit. He bought Twitter in a fit of pique because the company dared fact check Covid misinformation he was spreading. He wanted the platform as a bullhorn to press his own political and economic agenda

This is hilarious. Twitter wants organizations and business to pay $1000 a month for verification, that can apparently just be completely removed on a whim.

Yeah… turning your back on the trillions of dollars that will come out of this transition is a great idea for long term health of the US. I guarantee the EU and China will not slow down. Automakers know this, and short of a ban on EVs in the US (which will piss off his buddy Elon), the automakers aren’t going to

This is bordering on irresponsible reporting, designed to get clicks from people who are already afraid of flying. This does not deserve to be the front page.

I actually went through the trouble of logging in on my phone just to leave a comment saying that the headline of this article is fucking stupid given what actually transpired. Fuck ALL the way off with this clickbaitey bullshit.

Worst clickbait headline of the young day from multiple perspectives.  

Ah sensationalized click-bait titles.  Gotta love ‘em.

Wholly clickbait, Batman.

forced to plunge 28,000 feet over ten minutes

AS an airline pilot I can tell you that descending 28,000 in ten minutes is 2800FPM which is not a plunge at all. It’s actually a litle slower than I would expect for a depressurization which at that rate wasn’t explosive and probably a fault of the air con packs which pressurize the plane meaning it would slowly lose

The google machine says an average passenger plane descends at 1500-3000 feet per minute. This one did it at 2800 feet per minute. Stop making it sound like they were on a fucking roller coaster. 

Some people can’t afford to replace their tires”

(Watching videos laughing in Pennsylvanian)

the person was completely oblivious to the situation

Same mistake by almost every single one of these people. They hydroplane as they hit the overpass runoff, then proceed to brake instead of just easing up on the throttle.

People in SUVs driving too fast for conditions?
I’m shocked I tell you. Just shocked.

Having grown up in the northeast, I thought people in the southwest were just idiots. Thought there’s lots of evidence to suggest that is often the case (everyone has bald tires and dry rotted wiper blades), remember that a lot of people down there are transplants and not natives. The natives in Arizona and Nevada at

Absolutely insane. The entire US police system needs to be fired, top-to-bottom, and recreated from scratch with moral human beings.

Quanta... what? Parents should be detained just for giving this name to their child ;-)

Completely Disagree.