Reminds me of how Emily Yoffe has decided her post-Dear Prudence career specialty should be Campus Rape Denialism. Blech.
Reminds me of how Emily Yoffe has decided her post-Dear Prudence career specialty should be Campus Rape Denialism. Blech.
Right? I am pretty average and I get cat called and/or leered at regularly, most often in sweats/leggings/micro step up from pajamas. I can’t think of anything less sexual than me walking my dog with a literal bag full of shit in my hands, but apparently I need to reassess my sartorial choices.
Or Weinstein’s producing a movie version of her book, “Why sexual assault is always a woman’s fault outside the third world.”
It’s sad but I believe some women, particularly a lot of older women, feel the same way as Donna Karan. I’ve heard women say “well, what did she expect dressed like that?” SMH It’s heartbreaking to hear but not surprising. It’s like they were raised to always absolve the man of any personal responsibility.
Today I was taking out the garbage in a baggy t and loose pedal pushers.. in the 2 mins it took me to do it I got cat called twice. Some of us don’t ask or advertise anything and assholes still insist we are.
This, so much this. There’s so much shit in that comment, so many layers of wrong, that it’s difficult to know where to start. The condescension towards women in developing countries (and she probably thinks Africa is a country) is especially gross.
So I can’t get hired unless I show my tits and I can’t accuse someone of sexual harassment unless I look like I’ve never had sex. Screw Karen. What a horribly tone-deaf, insensitive, sexist comment to make.
4 years ago one of her models on the runway had a boob completely out from underneath a trench coat. Which is fine and all during a fashion show, but it still makes her seem pretty hypocritical when she uses her models for provicative nudity to make money, but then says women who don’t cover up are “asking for it”…
I wore this exact same outfit to the State Fair, and even the Carnies were like “Meh.” Too much coat?
DKNY has made a bit of a come back in recent years. Hopefully, stores that stock/collaborate with DKNY will rethink that (e.g. Opening Ceremony) but I doubt it.
Personally, I could never separate DKNY from Edina Monsoon enough to take it seriously.
Oh FFS Donna Karan, she must be friends with Weinstein’ wife.
Her deodorant was(!) my go to for at least 15 years. Bye bye DKNything. I cannot with these “sudden Stepfords”
how women are dressing and what they are asking by just presenting themselves the way they do.
Wow. That’s disgusting. Thankfully other designers make beautiful wrap dresses so I don’t have to worry about giving up a favorite designer.
It’s weird how Donna Karan and Donald Trump both make the same list. It’s the T-Slackss’ List of Dangerous Morons and damn if I didn’t just start a second page.
I’m starting to think that Hilary Duff is not a good dresser.
We have definitely known, especially women. It’s been a blind item for years. Anne Helen Petersen of Buzzfeed wrote a really good piece about it.
Am I nuts or have we definitively known about the Weinstein thing for years? I have no connections to Hollywood at all— not even American—and the only thing I knew about Weinstein was that he was a notorious sleaze famous for harassing actresses, the whole “casting couch” thing. The last few days have been a weird…