How are so many people still this ignorant? From Khloe Kardashian’s ill-planned shoot to this mess? A fucking child can interpret the simple messages they see. Dark skin = dirty/needs to be fixed. Black women are less than (Khloe K’s photo)
How are so many people still this ignorant? From Khloe Kardashian’s ill-planned shoot to this mess? A fucking child can interpret the simple messages they see. Dark skin = dirty/needs to be fixed. Black women are less than (Khloe K’s photo)
What the suffering fuck is that? Fuck you, Dove. These things get proofed and OK’d through countless rounds and no one caught this obvious shit? Fire the entire department and that includes top brass because one of them signed off on this shit too.
Not to mention that given the amount of people involved in a campaign like this, you’d also have to assume that not a single person of colour could have been included because this simply would not have been made if there were.
I worked in advertising (I no longer do because it’s evil and adds nothing of value to the world but I digress), and an ad like that by a huge company like Dove (or the parent company Unilever) goes through a LOT of people. This was not a handful of tone deaf idiots, this was a lot of tone deaf idiots. Baffles the…
How hard is it to sell soap? Good lord.
Note how also their “apology” is a massive non-apology.
Yes: somebody has been hired to make sure a brothel is worthy of O.J. Simpson.
There’s a reason why guys like Weinstein choose women ten levels below them in power. It’s going to take ten years to either get to a level of power that allows you to weather the storm of accusations or realize you’re not going to make it in that career no matter what.
she was deeply shocked by Weinstein’s behavior and was frozen
that has to be a joke
I think there’s no limit to the bad feelings we can all have about this. It’s gross in so many different ways.
Oh please why would individual women be afraid of openly speaking against a man widely seen as de facto running Hollywood along with mass parts of the media and thereby untouchable by everyone?
Anyone who wants to know “why these women waited for so long to tell their stories” has got to be trolling at this point.
Is it bad that, in her position, I might feel even more skeeved out by the contamination/hygiene issues in the kitchen/restaurant?
“He is an old dinosaur learning new ways.”
Times have changed, you need to evolve, argle bargle *handjob motion*
A sausage finger is probably the least offensive thing Harvey Weinstein has pointed at the women he’s harassed.
As we work together on a project bringing my book to the screen