
Megyn Kelly has shown herself to be a very selfish person time and again. Also, you should do a destination wedding in Ireland or something! Theoretically speaking

You forgot that she said she got rid of the chicken skin cause it was “gross” and Ayesha said “We don’t get rid of it. It’s not gross.”

OMG. I’ve never been married. I dread planning a wedding. I don’t even like planning small gatherings. My wedding... shall it happen... will me intimate and quick.

Now playing

John Oliver’s reminder on why she is awful...

Whoa! Can you imagine being that staffer? Like, bitch, I only invited you as a courtesy, but thanks for making it clear that I can disinvite your rude ass and give your $200/plate spot to someone I’ve actually known for more than a hot minute and actually like.

My favorite chyron today: “Tillerson not denying he called Trump a moron.”

Not forgetting Trump’s immortal words before leaving for Las Vegas today:

Honey, I am so sorry. The only girl/woman I knew who “got over it,” was a friend of mine who had a strong relationship with her parents, who were both strong people. A funny uncle who was living in their house temporarily started abusing her, and one day when he was out of the house, she told her parents.

Tom Petty dies, but this piece of shit still gets to walk the earth? I hate this reality. Someone reset the Matrix.

Yeah, there are a lot of assholes I wish 2017 would come for...

It wasn’t rape “rape”. I mean it’s not like he knocked her teeth out or nothing. And she was happy to take a job from him afterwards so it can’t have been that bad. She has probably been reading feminazi propaganda that has brainwashed her into rethinking the event

I know, right? The story in general (photographer/director offers young girls a part or a modelling session and then sexually abuses them) has been a cliche forever. Polanski pleaded guilty to it specifically. He’s also openly talked about his “relationships” with 15-year-olds and how “everyone wants to fuck young

Oh, undoubtedly. And isn’t he on record bragging about all the underage girls he’s fucked? I’d wager a lot of those weren’t “merely” statutory rape, since he demonstrably doesn’t give a goddamn about consent.

Anyone who heard about his most famous rape (of Geimer) and didn’t think this was a scenario he had repeated numerous times before and after that with other victims is a moron.

Yeah, if anyone thought it was probably just a single incident with one girl, I have a bridge to sell you.

The motherfucking stigma!!!!! I fucking hate it so much. Do you have any idea how many girlfriends I have who have kept their abuse secret because they didn’t want to hurt their parents? It’s not bad enough that you’re abused by a predatory asshole be he a stranger or a family friend but now you have to protect adults

manipulating a 15 year old who wants to be an actor, and raping her repeatedly. what a piece of shit.

Just die, Roman. You nasty old rapist hellspawn.

Correct, you are. Who are we to obsess over holding someone accountable for rape? It’s 2017... get with the program. He doesn’t need that kind of negativity in his life.

But but he already said it’s in the past so doesn’t that mean it’s all ok now?