
What annoys me is that he lost weight, got fit and suddenly he’s hottie of the year.... but even then.... Anna was and is and always will be way hotter and above his average ass. He sucks. His ego got too big. I thought he was so hot when he was a rugged chubby dude.

Yeah, Chris “they don’t make movies that speak to me as a white man!” religious, hunting for sport, conservative dude Pratt seems like a d-bag.

They both lost me after the pet situation, so I will just feel for their son. I still have a wee bit more compassion for Faris because of the growing power imbalance that they must have faced and because Pratt is a religious zealot on top of it.

generally accepted as one of Hollywood’s most adorable couples

My general rule is that if a couple is always posting public statements about how much they love each other and how happy they are that they are just hiding some dark shit from us and probably from themselves as well.

What? We’re sad? Anna Farris can do better. Chris Pratt had one adorable role as Andy Dwyer, then when the big fame hit he word vomited his real, problematic thoughts about how it’s men’s “turn” to be objectified in film and about how there aren’t enough films that are about white hetero guys like him.

All of you are wrong. The correct takeaway from this is that ANNA FARIS is now single. I want no part of that mouthbreather, bring me the one they call... House Bunny.

I always thought they’d work out because they seem like the exact same type of asshole (which is fine, so are my partner and I) but I can see how one person getting more famous exacerbates that.

Let’s hope neither of them gets the cat.

Their reps say they’ll still anger people with their treatment of pets, just individually.

I used to think it was funny that the first time my internet friend came round to my house she brought her husband in case I was an axe murderer; but subsequently someone else I knew from the same forum murdered his new wife, dismembered and burned her remains, and set off on a round-the-world trip with the contents

Oi. The sex traffickers have codified Madonna/Whore. Fabulous.

They probably don’t think of themselves as bad guys. After all, they only take those harlots who go round slutting it up, not mothers (who are sacred).

Many women are kidnapped into regular indentured servitude by married couples—rape may certainly be part of the scenario but they’re used for household labor.

the confidence of men:

What I got out of this is that the guy has organized other auctions. Are these women being looked for? Are they safe?

I used to think these dark web kidnapping stories were hoaxes, but now I’m not so sure. This is some scary shit.

Other reports suggest this wasn’t just a (wannabe) model who got lured to Italy, but that she’s an established model who got sent out there by her modelling agency... I can’t wait to find out how they got fooled into sending her out to this non-existing modelling job...

If I’m remembering correctly, the Times of London article said that they released her because it was against the rules/principles of their organization. The police were still looking for the co-conspirators at the time the Times’ article was posted.