
I am so tired of Tomi Lahren: this Anne Coulter 2.0 shtick is killing me inside. And what’s worse, she’s had all this exposure and people praising her opinion at a young age: as far as she’s concerned, she’s The Child What Come To Lead Us, with her unique insights that no one else could possibly have.

And she got her ass handed to her by J.K. Rowling earlier this week.

It’s almost like looking good in a cocktail dress and channeling righteous indignation are not all it takes to have a handle on the issues.

Fortunately it’s not just PETA, because fuck PETA.

Are tiger-selfies really a Tindr thing?? How bizarre. On OKCupid, we pose exclusively with dolphins.

But that’s kinda the problem. PETA have been shown up to be such a fraud of an “Animal Rights” organisation (the only right they seem to care for is the ability for them to put down animals) that they actively damage any argument they put forward or may make people defend the one’s they’re attacking as a result.

That would be grrrreat!

As much as people hate PETA, these places that let you take pictures with tigers are INCREDIBLY horrible. Many claim to be rescued, but breed their animals to use them for revenue. It’s really really sad and gross and disrespectful to these animals.

So this may be noble and whatnot but I don’t trust anything PETA says, does, or acts on. They’re horrible so until someone trustworthy talks out this, I’m not taking any shit they say on their word

Yes, because this is a website about CARS and this story highlights how she used her CAR and her MANUAL TRANSMISSION to escape.

Yeah, I guess it’s best to just focus on the part where she got away and not discuss the horrifying full story.

Oh good they got caught.

First we blame the obstructionist Democrats, then blame the Republicans who “betrayed” their own party, then blame Obama for creating the mess, then blame the DISHONEST MEDIA for not reporting about the millions of people who die of Obamacare every day, then blame Clinton for something.

McCain voted for the BCRA, despite pledging a few hours earlier that he would not.

IMO, Tamra was doing tough love right. If you’re going to constantly complain about wanting to lose weight, it makes sense for a friend to suggest eating healthier (albeit FAR less enjoyable) foods and cutting out alcohol.

Tamra did see her weight creeping up in her early 40's - remember when Slade mocked her at his Very Hilarious stand-up show? - and she made up her mind to fight it with diet and exercise. And it worked. Shannon said she’s been thin all her life, and has gained 40lbs in the last year from “stress” (food and alcohol).

Tamra’s confessional comments about her (supposedly) best friend’s lack of self control really rubbed me the wrong way. I’m paraphrasing, but: “If you wanna lose weight, don’t drink and don’t eat steak. Order fish and vegetables on the side. It worked for me...” First of all, Tamra, to my knowledge you have never been

The fat shaming was the one reason I’ve stopped watching. I could barely stomach last week’s episode and I knew that I would just be a wreck if I watched this weeks.

Similarly, people tore Hillary apart for her Wall Street speeches and attacked Ted Cruz because his wife worked at Goldman Sachs, but haven’t raised a peep about all of the GS alums in Trump’s Cabinet including his Treasury Secretary. It shows how disgustingly fake and disingenuous they are and why it’s not worth