
My daughter was never removed from my home, but when she was four years old, I went to pick her up from pre-school and was handed a business card from a CPS worker and instructed to call. When I did, I was informed that they had sent someone out to the school to INTERVIEW my four year old because some “well-meaning”

Well how else do you think the 100% grain alcohol circulates throughout his systems?

Not sure Bannon ever had a pulse?

Trump is such a fucking asshole. In no way do I like Spicey, but I wish he would have let him resign with a shred of dignity. Spicer stood up there defending the indefensible for months, and this is what he gets.

Preibus most likely as he also hates Scaramucci and was totally blindsided.

I was very disappointed to not hear Sarah McLachlan’s “I Will Remember You” as the score here.

We are losing some gold SNL material!

Why is no one talking about the real victim here? Poor Melissa McCarthy has to go back to being just a regular old movie star now. Sad!

Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality

I’m surprised not to see “when Trump wouldn’t let him meet the Pope when that was all he wanted in life” on the list of “things we were sure he would resign over.”

Mr. Scaramucci lacked the requisite organizational or political experience

You put your spicy in.

Nah, best Spicey tweet yet was this one:

Yes, but that is how the system is set up, see what I’m saying? We are not immune to white supremacist ideas about Black families.

Spicer reportedly resigned over the appointment of Anthony “the mooch” Scaramucci as Communications Director

Farewell Spicey Time!

He only lasted six months?! Sad! My guess is Priebus is next

There’s this, too:

Now that he’s resigned, does Spicer still get to keep his 30 pieces of silver?

There is a segment of the white population that believes Black families are inherently abusive and that most Black children would be better off taken away from their parents.