
So, Trump IS going to fire Mueller. Trump is guilty, worried, full of himself and the power he has, and thinks he’s the smartest guy in the world. Plus, he’s compromised by Putin, is Putin’s little bitch, and feels desperate. So, what happens when he fires Mueller? Will the investigation end? The Republicans control

Agree it is hilarious, and also makes me HUNGRY for: The next time Sarah Huckabette Sanders says “I don’t know” in response to a question about Trump, I hope some reporter will follow up with “Do you think Hope Hicks would know the answer?”

Back in May he did an interview and went a bit more into detail into what he thinks insurance is with the same rough idea.

He thinks all the thoughts, at once. Unfortunately, they are all the dumb thoughts.

I’d just like to see one high profile Republican Senator grow enough of a spine to say “This is fucking insane! An independent investigation needs to proceed, untainted by the White House. It is essential to the future of this country that all allegations currently known and those that may be uncovered be fully

It looks like she’s laying the groundwork for a presidential run. I approve. If the DNC isn’t prepping someone, then at least someone is looking ahead.

So, even knowing that Trump can’t follow a trail of thoughts, this has been bugging me:

Spoiler: VERY

Kamala Harris!!! Delivering the push for criminal justice reform *with bipartisan support*

So what’s everyone bitching about healthcare costs for? Hell, for $14/month, I’ll take two and still keep my iPhone!

Only Hope Hicks knew that Trump had agreed to the interview with the New York Times.

UK Update:

Today is the last day of Parliament before the summer recess and as useful was “bring out your shit” day, with all depts releasing embarrassing reports or stats at once so no one could complain. These include:

Yeah, he’s confusing health insurance for life insurance. Again. But everything is fine!!

Sessions is on a short leash. Thinking about the Russia investigation, I have now come to believe that Trump will fire Mueller, and soon (I realize he can’t fire him directly, but he will order the DOJ to fire him, and start firing the leadership there until he finds someone who will do it—a 2017 version of the

Dark market web sounds like a store that sells bespoke Victorian gothic home furnishings.

Update from Germany:

And the Turkey situation has gotten much worse. This is a big deal, and I’m really surprised not to see much of it in the international press. Turkey detained some German activists. Here is some info from Deutsche Welle on one of the detainees (English text is on the left):

did anyone cover that Trump thinks health insurance costs $14 a year!

Jeff Sessions this morning was like watching my grandparents try to understand what a computer was.


According to this article, this is her 4th child and third pregnancy.