
Don’t be sorry for me, that has happened to me quite a few times. You can keep your condescension to yourself. But I’ve never gotten complaints and promptly ignored them. This woman is a gross show-off, not a regular person enjoying sex and being occasionally too loud.

There is loud sex (within reason, as with everything) and then there are people who get off when others have no choice but to listen to them.

I read somewhere that she said she “can’t” moan any lower. Sorry lady, you absolutely can. Anyone can. The thirst is strong with this one.

(Author’s note: They have dessert wine on airplanes?)

Trying to think of a context in which “do you know who I am?” would be appropriate and I’m hard pressed. Maybe when your spouse just wakes up from a ten year coma?

He is from Florida, the land of the the crazy people. But besides that, I think federal jail is where he should stay. He tried to do a dangerous act onboard with 210 people....either he is really insane or evil or both.

I had an idea that they should offer medical procedures in flight, so that when you fly from ...say from Atlanta to the time you land and wake up you’ve had your teeth cleaned, your annual gyno exam and a colonoscopy!

Good on them.

Never mistake pcp for Xanax.

They sent her here to find moose and squirrel!

Look at the number of photos with leaders smiling, being animated and Trump looking vacant. Then the wandering around aimlessly. Of course he has alzheimer’s or dementia. But the fucking GOP leaders don’t care. It is Weekend at Donnie’s for them every day in DC.

One of my friends thinks Russia was playing the long con, and Melania is a Russian spy with 20 million dollars in a Swiss bank account.

Hillary would have been so badass at the g20. Can’t you just picture her with Merkel, side by side in matching pantsuits, running the fucking world?

God that feels like five years ago.

Hey, remember back in 2016 when Trump was going on about Hillary being on death’s door and not having enough physical stamina to be president? Good times.

“Fund women entrepreneurs”...because we’re all supposed to pretend that’s what Ivanka is...a “female entrepreneur”, a bold and brilliant woman who courageously started her own wildly successful business from scratch, all by herself. EVERYONE is well aware that’s a crock of cow-flop, nothing but a total lie but

If they’re trying to convince me that he doesn’t have Alzheimer’s and the only person who can manage him is his daughter, they’re failing. Miserably.

What, was the Secretary of State, the Deputy Secretary of State, the Ambassador to the UN, the Vice President, the National Security Advisor, Trump’s bodyguard and the mailman all occupied?

It makes me sick how we’re all supposed to mindlessly buy into Daughter Dingus’ pathetic phony creation myth, like she’s anything more than a spoiled little airhead who owes everything she has to the money her awesome daddy swiped from other people. Look at her, sitting there with that moronic pucker on her plastic