
I live in a country with factory farms. It would be hypocritical of me and, yes, hella racist, to criticize the way that other countries treat their livestock when we ourselves are so fucking terrible on that point.

it doesn’t matter how long i look at it, i have no idea which one is kendall. I WIN.

Also the more I look at this picture of Kendall - the more I see Kris Jenner.

“Asian countries”- what the ever loving fuck?Research factory farming in the US & get back to us on how Western countries treat animals used for food.

Good I would love nothing more than to see the whole kardashian klan sued into oblivion. Come on America you overly litigious hellhole you can do it! 

This fish is extremely dead and your critique of “Asian countries” is borderline racist.

I think the fish is beyond suffering. Like, way beyond.

More specifically, nerves “run” on salt ions, such as the ones found in salt water. So exposing these intact nervous pathways to salt water causes the nerves to fire and muscles to contract.

Lol, it doesn’t have a brain; it’s not suffering, but it is probably posting comments on kinja.

oh hey, someone took a video of me dancing

So, I met a guy at a book club last month, and in the chit-chat beforehand, we talked about how his kid is just finishing up with his first year of law school (I am an attorney, 3/4 of the people in the room were either attorneys or spouses of attorneys, it was a natural topic). We went through about four rounds of

I’m a boring ‘ol married person, so these questions (one hopes) no longer pertain to me, but I’ve often wondered, in these days of long-acting birth control, if the young ladies still require their dates to use condoms, every time? As someone who became sexually active during the early years of the AIDS crisis, this

Anytime an adult uses the word “haters” to defend themselves, I automatically assume they are in the wrong. It’s a bullshit word used by bullshitters.

This is precisely what I came down here to write. The second I hear “mama bear” I go ahead and assume slightly nuts. Though they’re usually on the other side of the counter demanding to see the manager.

You should be disgusted. There are a lot of gross people in the world.

I live in Memphis and used to eat at this restaurant until a friend of mine posted about her experience working there - they leave open breastmilk in the fridge, use expired products, essentially just microwave gardein patties and treat their employees like GARBAGE. They have been running wild on social media for a

I was in a restaurant yesterday, just wanted to relax and look at my email, had ordered and was chilling out at a table that I had chosen that was admittedly away from the rest of the crowd - and a woman walked to the back of the restaurant and decided to use the table smack next to me to change her kid’s diaper. No

I dunno, a lot of buttholes go to steakhouses.

I’m just saying, this kind of thing never happens at a steakhouse.