
It was fascinating to watch the Bill Cosby narrative shift seamlessly — and almost instantaneously — from “If he’s been doing this for so many years, there would be hundreds of victims, so he can’t possibly be guilty” to “All these accusers prove that women are just jumping on the bandwagon for a payday, so he can’t

If they’re afraid to come forward, I can understand why. They’ve got careers to protect and there’s very little doubt that this isn’t going to a clean civil affair where everybody respects everyone else’s personal space. I see a lot of character assassination for anyone who comes forth. I may not like Carlson as a

If a guy calls a girl a slut guys have no problem believing him. But if 40 women accuse a guy of being a sexual predator people still don’t believe them.

Horrible but not surprising. I think a lot of people assume Bill Cosby’s actions were unusual, when the truth is behavior ranging anywhere from sexual harassment to outright rape has long been seen as one of the perks of fame & power. If you could get Ailes and other men to speak honestly about their actions, they’d

Sorry, it had to be done.

If you ever want to stop someone from clicking on a link to one of your stories I would say that putting “they were red like raw hamburger” in the title of some story on Roger Ailes and sexual harassment would be right up there.

That’s how my folks did it. We weren’t religious, so they just talked with us. It worked pretty well. That’s what we’re doing with our kid.

I’m impressed with her statement about her philosophical conversations with her child. Children need to be encouraged to explore their imaginations, and discover the Universe in their own ways. This, as opposed to being handed a book that claims to already have all of the answers to everything. The former encourages

Do you mean it gives you “shutters?” As in plantation-style shutters? Get it?

It’s like with the Ferengi. When you’re rich, you show it buy purchasing the ugliest stuff possible

Damn rich people are silly as hell (and have the gaudiest taste in houses).


Someone I know who gets lash extensions got sooo offended when I called them false lashes. She informed me that it was exactly the same as getting a kidney transplant, they were a part of her.

My 4 year old niece loves pasta but hates tomato sauce. She also demands sauce less pizza, the heathen.

Ravioli? Empanades? Perogies? I was skipping over the article but the lede brain wormed and fuck me here I am questioning the eating habits someone I don’t know.

I guessed Kirsten due to my PTSD from Allie’s “500 Days of Kristen” messhugos.

I call bullshit. Even the pickiest of 2 year olds will eat pasta.

I don’t exactly know who she is, and I never thought I would care about something like this, but I became so enraged when I read her post that I suddenly wanted to strike her about the face and head with my hands.

Bull. Fucking. Shit. She’s trying to tell us that she’s never had macaroni and cheese? PUH-LEASE.

ETA - Wow. Apparently I have strong feelings on this. Who knew??