
I think I read on twitter that her real age is closer to around 34-35 in real age, as opposed to “Hollywood” age. But clearly, she doesn’t have too many issues with fudging the truth...

Heart of Darkness: needs more white ladies 2/10 would not read again

Every time I’ve read “angel hair” I’ve thought “pasta”.

In tribute to Ms. Linton, I am also announcing my new memoir, recounting the time I sailed up the Congo River to search for a mysterious ivory trader named Kurtz.

Sooooo, her bio says she’s currently 29, which makes her 12 years of age in 1999, the year she says she lived alone in “the jungle with big spiders and poor little children with AIDS and, and, and . . . insert cliche here.”

This week was a terrible one. My family troubles intensified and Emily got out twice. The first time, she was missing for a while, but she came back and was fine.

Wednesday, my roommate left the door to our balcony deck open and she must have fallen or jumped off the balcony the second time, and landed right on her

I did not respond to the last dude I was boning who I do not like as a human being even though I want contact with someone a lot. That’s my brag. I am getting better about standing up for myself in regards to relationships!

Sometimes the best brag is the one where you are a functional adult human and you do things like grocery shop, clean, and not fuck up at work. I can proudly say that that is my brag this week. And with that, here is your Brag Thread! What have you accomplished this week (whether it’s at work, at school, at home, or

Hey hey hey! What’s everyone drinking? I have one more Crispin to finish and then it will be onto La Marca!

Amber Rose is my true friend and we speak regularly, via an email account that I set up with the signature line Keep rockin- you’re doing a good job! Mwah! Heart heart Am

If you want her to write you an uplifting message just let me know and I'll pass it along. To Amber. My friend who skyrockets my confidence when I

It’s not a good look to Ye, because every time you write about this rapist, they gonna mention Kanye.

FUCK Ian Connor forever and ever. In addition to being a rapist, dude has no talent, surfs by on other people’s waves, and is in general a tremendous douchebag. I hope he dies alone on a garbage barge.

It’s also just kind of offensive to take a pic of another cultures food as an “ew gross” thing. Although I would often like to take pictures of bottles of mayo and Instagram as such.

I can’t speak for everyone, but my eyes began rolling when she failed to attach a name to any of the people she is displaying.

I have no problem with people—white or otherwise—doing work like this. What I do hate (and something I saw a lot when I lived in Cape Town for 5 months) is when people take pictures with children and then post them on the internet. I only shared images of kids whose names I knew and who I actually developed

The croc thing confuses me as I have seen gator on many an American menu. They aren’t really the same, but let’s be honest - they are totally the same. Fucking death monsters. I’d eat them all if I could. Nom.*

What...Hong Kong is not a backwater. The British banker types all seem to be married to blond women and the sight of a white woman walking the streets of Hong Kong, or using the Metro or really doing anything is not at all unusual.

I don’t get where she says she isn’t in Kansas anymore. There’s a restaurant in Liberal, Kansas that serves alligator. I’ve found it to taste like chicken, only it’s a lot chewier.