
No, she claimed rape isn't rapey enough unless a masked man kidnaps you. She claimed men who rape on campus aren't real rapists. She isn't a bad writer. She's got a fucked up perspective on life & need to realize it.

You a friend of hers? She didn't just defend her friend's character, she defended rape on campus. She defended any rape that isn't a masked many kidnapping a person & carrying them away. Never mind that very few rapes work that way.

She deserves to be called a bitch as much as anyone I've ever come across. Any woman who turns on the rest of us to defend a raping rapist, take away his culpability by blaming alcohol, calling it not real rape because he didn't wear a mask & only took her behind a dumpster rather than to a car, is a bitch.

Someone needs to explain this girl-child, alcohol doesn't make you someone you aren't. It reveals who you really are.