Speaking of, how wonderfully random is it that April and Andy would call Jerry of all people late on a Thursday night to act out a homemade action movie?
Speaking of, how wonderfully random is it that April and Andy would call Jerry of all people late on a Thursday night to act out a homemade action movie?
Also, I totally had a flashback to Party Down when Ben told Leslie off - specifically Steve Gutenberg's Birthday with Henry and Casey in the hot tub. It was pretty much Adam Scott doing the same scene.
Well, all the characters on the show are stereotypes.
Re: Andy - never forget that we're talking about a character who was living - by choice! - in a tent in a pit. And at a point when the show's universe seemed altogether less absurd than it would later become.
What's especially pathetic about that is that Grimm actually had some decent reviews.
They rarely have since S1 and a little from the beginning of S2. I don't even really consider Parks a mockumentary in that they never seem to actually act like there's a documentary crew following them around - it's more like the talking heads are just breaking the 4th wall or the audience seeing what the characters…
I'm pretty sure the whole end of the world plot was a reference to Harold Camping.
I liked Ep. 1 a lot, and both the last two - esp. Pawnee Rangers - were very good. But none of them approached the best episodes of S2 or S3, IMO. Some of the humor seemed too cartoony and forced, a couple characters seemed overly broad, and after the first episode none of the major storylines really felt like they…
I don't think the slightly-manic Leslie we saw tonight was really any different from the Leslie of S2 or even S3 (i.e. "Camping," or "The Bubble").
I'd say it's about the level of "The Middle" or slightly less funny than "Modern Family." But it's fairly strong considering most sitcoms today, and it seems to have the potential to be better.
Smart demographic-courting: The advertisements for NBC’s Thursday-night comedies aired during “Parents” omits Whitney from the lineup. Or maybe someone figured Up All Night viewers are already familiar with Whitney, thanks to the reruns that have slammed into the show in the wake of Free Agents’ demise.
Yeah, I agree - I don't think Whitney should be on Thursdays at all.
Honestly, I don't mind Whitney doing okay - I just wish it weren't on Thursdays.
There's actually a pretty simple answer. Community, Parks, and The Office all skew male, and Game 6 probably hurt them more than most. Whitney skews more female, as does ABC's lineup, and both were up last night.
Full House?
I suppose the point is that Leslie is still relatively early in her professional career - early enough that it's plausible she could go farther.
Ratings for this were up last night - to a 2.1.
OT, but anybody else see that the ratings for both this and Community were TERRIBLE this week? Community was down to a 1.4 in the demo and under 4 mil. total viewers. Parks got just a 1.8 and just a little over 4 mil. It's almost certainly because of baseball, and the numbers will probably be revised upwards for both…
I know people tend to dismiss Ann as boring, but I always felt she was a really strong presence up until probably Ep. 2 of this season. The point of Ann being in the show is that she's Leslie's best friend, but they've really de-emphasized those two as a pair most these last few episodes and have instead been forcing…
Chris' whole dirty dancing and making out in front of Jerry was odd even for Chris though. He's so controlled - I can sort of buy it as him being drunk, but even so. His behavior in this episode just doesn't gel with how he's been in the past.