
I'm sort of curious as to why touchscreen is such a dreaded technology. The PSP as-is is kind of shitty.

@Revenge_of_Nekojin: I have to agree with the "Where is the role-playing?" comment, though. You really don't get to play any role except the precise role pre-destined for you to play, which really makes it no different than any other game with a protagonist. ...Just, this one has numbers and stuff.

The Zelda-ish countdown is more than likely for Rune Factory something-or-other.

@Kirbysuperstar: Also forgot the part where you don't be a dick to people on the internet. HEE HEE! ^_^

@zdevex: Her. AJ Glasser is a her.

@Melaisis: IRC is still going strong. It's just better now that the unfaithfuls have left.

@Paul_Is_Drunk: The Kinsey scale isn't particularly relevant, though; since it does assign arbitrary designations... though I do understand that it isn't an on/off switch.

@Balius: I didn't think it was saying they didn't play games at all, just that perhaps they play them differently and for different reasons.

I wonder if that desire to win is genetic, or if it is a learned behaviour as part of being a "male". The only reason I mention this is your 'bisexual' quip, which would suggest it'd be more likely to learn this behaviour than have it naturally from day 1.

@brandeis1: Sims 2 doesn't have a special edition yet, though.... I thought?

@Gyaruson: That was not high-end three years ago. A radeon 9500? I think those came out in 2002, and it wasn't even a top of the line card then, it was entry level— the 9700 was the holy grail card to have, so I can't say this was top of the line even 6 years ago.

@urban_ryoga: I agree, it's a hard sell at $40.

Man, chrono trigger is nowhere to be seen. My hopes of a sequel are fading.

Things aren't looking good for that Chrono Trigger sequel! Unfortunately DS piracy combined with a crippling $40 pricetag for a game we've all played seems like it was just too much.

@phinehas: I will forever and ever now refer to my 360 as "boxybox".

@raviadso: I'm not trying to criticize it for not being funny, I like the writing here. I just honestly didn't know what he meant by those statements... But I guess I'm alone in that.

@Ashkihyena: And you are not guilty of assuming that we all assume this?

Though I did manage to complete the download, and you'll be pleased to know that under no circumstances should you play World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade, but apparently Wrath of the Lich King? totally fine.

@DoctorSaliva: It's like a four meg PDF. I guess on the bright side, this means they didn't really expect that many people to read it, or they're new at this internet thing...