
That bugs me too. I could see that maybe one time, a building that size might coincidentally come straight down. But twice? Three times? Something isn’t right and no one will ever convince me that 9/11 was just a simple terrorist attack, especially given all the evidence of our own government doing atrocious false

Uhh... we USED to back Iran.... by giving support to the Shah, who brutally repressed and abused his people as a dictator.


The whole damn thing was swept under the rug. Barges full of evidence were shipped to China to be melted down as quickly as possible. The Saudi family was flown out of the U.S. during a national no fly zone. Witnesses refute much of what was reported during the attacks. Building 7 came down from a goddamned office

Yeah. But many were found alive doing other things later. So fuck if I know.

They are scared shitless of her and I am loving every minute of it.

CARB was created to regulate CA’s emissions. Other states signed on because they wanted to follow the same standards. Has nothing to do with CA wanting to control the country.

“Air travel is arguably the worst.”

Did you just use “irregardless” in a comment about grammar in an ironic way, or in an irronic way?  I don’t even know what’s real anymore...

That’s my point! It’s capitalism that ruins the internet, not the other way around.

The ones I find the most infuriating are the ones that give a low rating due to shipping issues. Arrived late, 1 star. Went to the wrong address, 1 star. Seller was rude when I asked a question, 1 star. That sort of thing. Not even remotely about the product.

If you actually look at the statistics, people fighting off armed intruders into their homes is exceedingly rare. You’re much better off investing in better doors and locks, and a good alarm system.

You should read The Expanse novels. Although they don’t focus too much on Earth, it posits a future in which the Earth has a population of 30,000,000,000, half of whom do not have jobs due to automation and live off of basic assistance, sort of like welfare on steroids, with little meaning in their lives. We have to

All the evidence is stacked against your argument.

John Deere employs 56,767 people. How many people do you think it would take to do all of that farm work manually if John Deere products (and those of other companies like them) didn’t exist? Automation costs more jobs than it creates.

the truck drivers who get laid off are not going to be hired to build, test and maintain technology. you are talking about two separate groups of people

Identifying cults is easy: do they subscribe to some sort of invisible higher power? Then it’s a cult, even if it’s one of those long-standing, well-established ones that’s been around for thousands of years. They are all cults.

There are four rankings of classified information in the American intelligence community. Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, and code word clearance. The information that President Trump divulged was considered code word clearance-level intelligence, and thus it was above the Top Secret ranking in clarification.

The damage caused by Roger Ailes is truly breathtaking in its impact and scope. Professionally, he was a proto-Rove Richard Nixon accomplice and enabler who went on to found the most powerful and pervasive propaganda network in modern history, which was profoundly responsible for training millions to disregard

For thousands of years, we didn’t reward ghoulish monsters who needlessly made vulnerable people’s lives unquestionably worse with fabulous wealth and power. Since capitalism and modern media has reversed that tradition, we can drop the pretense of respectability when one of these assholes dies on the toilet.