
And do YOU really want to preserve every game ever made because, art?! You do know this is totally unrealistic, right? I’m sure the games that had a very large impact and can be considered art are going to be around for a long time. Not en masse, of course. But I’m sure PONG is still around somewhere in a playable

Yeah, and I’d really like to play Pit Stop II and Airwolf which should’ve been preserved by someone from the Commodore 64 days. Let it go and move on.

Bottom line for me is this: Flash sucked for decades and Adobe had more than enough time to fix it. Securitywise. Performancewise. Did they? No. After endless updates and patches, Flash still sucks! And now it needs to go, period. Who wants to seriously play games in a browser anyway? Yeah, I’m sure there’s a niche

No. Just lots and lots of drugs.

You don’t know that.

You know what’s different with all these tests of self driving cars? It’s just one car and all other drivers on the road are real people. And I can imagine these had to react more than once to the automated car to correct for its mistakes. What I want to see is ONLY self driving cars which have to deal with one

Jammit comes to mind.