
@ca$h: Not sure I follow you here Ca$h. Piracy on the PS3 is still non-existent for the most part, despite whatever progress Geohot may have made.

Well there goes all my productivity!

@Blore07: I kind of agree. The N64 had one analog stick that was quite serviceable. However I've never played a FPS on the PSP that I've actually liked. I mean face buttons substituting as the second analog stick?! EWWW!

@DrZaius: No it's not, however everyone does play games on it.

@overlordbill: LOL! I meant with HP's money, maybe Palm will get better hardware. Palm has a history of solid PDA's. I'm honestly not sure how they messed up with the Pre so badly.

@TheHeeyyy: I wouldn't go so far to say that the iPhone pales in each of the major smartphone players, it has it's strengths and weaknesses and it's up to the consumer to decide what the can live with.

@Master_Queef: Ha! I took the plunge for Chaos Rings based on that review by Fahey as well.

I like to play the occasional game on my iPhone, but I find games on the iPad tedious (at least from what I played at the Apple Store).

@pan1da7: Agreed. PSN release please!

@TheHeeyyy: iPhones start at 100 is that over priced? And while WebOS is fantastic, it's bogged down by Palm's terrible hardware. Hopefully the new buyout by HP will mean better Hardware.

"And I'm not sure how I feel about it."

Oh boy! I hope this means a Ninjatown DS port is coming to the iPhone.

@Sup3rT0ngue: Indeed. Interestingly I feel Apple put itself in a tight spot. They're trying to take on Live and Android by introducing Game Center and multitasking.

"..but rightfully points out that Facebook and Zynga should perhaps better monitor credit card charges going through under different names, especially for accounts created by minors."