
@Save me: After The Jobed One acted like an ass and said Flash is dead? Yeah I doubt it...but man wouldn't that be cool?

I'm going to have things thrown at me, but I'm pretty excited to see what new features Apple is bringing to the iPhone.

@Santar: Metal Gear Solid had a freaking Cyborg Ninja and MGS2 had a bloody sentient arm!

@AchromaticMagus: Hey maybe you're new here but Kotaku constantly has non-gaming related articles.

@TehSkull: If you're being serious I weep for humanity.

@Mhazz: Also it's a computer...'s like No More Heroes the movie.

@DigitalHero: To further prove your point the EyeToy is a rip of the Dreamcast Camera :P

"The fairy Navi in The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time was used by Nintendo's designers to direct player's attention. She was a welcome aid in in the first Zelda that occurred within a three-dimensional space. "

@slagmire: I actually saw it a few weeks ago and can confirm that Topher was indeed the bright spot of Spider-Man 3.

@douglasjfresh: Tell me about it. I'm only 27 but I get weird looks when I whip out my DS. Now thanks to my iPhone I can get a game of Peggle on but look like I'm actually being productive :-D

@shaunmcilroy: Honestly? This will be my second time buying these games. But only because I can't find my copy of FF Origins for the GBA.

@shaunmcilroy: I don't understand why people are pissed off about re-releases.

@tk.: You mean the ONE that the made since Halo 3? Give Bungie a break; at least their not as bad as Kojima.

@Phil Simpson: Why on earth would someone go to these lengths of lying? What do you hope to get out of it? Internet cred?

@Phil Simpson: Lost what you fool? You are the strangest troll I've come across in a while. You ramble on and on about Gerstmann like he raped your mother.

@Phil Simpson: Interesting that a person with a supposed 150 IQ fails to realize that intelligence quotient test do not in anyway actually reflect how smart a person is.

@Phil Simpson: I read most of your post and all I'm hearing is "WAAAHAAA THIS REVIEWER DIDN'T LIKE MY GAME!"

@Jnas: Absolutely agree. I love it when the Bomb and Kotaku get together.