
@Rampage: I saw it in 3D because Cameron said that was the only way to truly see the movie.

@Lezard: Indeed. It's like reading a Harry Knowles review. Just get to how the game is already.

Looks great! I'll certainly get this for the Wii since I adored the first, but I really really hope an HD port is in the works for the 360/PS3...I'll buy both I swear!

That looks freaking awesome. I would buy it based on nostalgia alone but...ugg iPhone games.

It always cracks my up when I see PS3 owners up in arms over bad ports or when something doesn't work right.

Yaaarg...I'm still not done with the first 400 hours of Dragon Age!!

Wow what a great review! I was on the fence for a while but I'll definitely pick this up now.

@Jahwarrior316: Well you should probably get the Motorola Droid if you're on Verizon. Android is an open platform and people are porting stuff like Doom and Quake.

@CockroachMan: Much to my surprise I'm actually digging the controls in Eliminate. I'm starting to think with a little bit of tweaking a serious FPS on the iPhone is possible! #fallout

Alright we get it already, if it's multiplatform get it for the 360. #tekken6

@rainofwalrus: Allowance does not count as a paycheck I'm afraid.

@OrwellJames: I own a 360 because the PS3 was shit when it came out.

@WhiteMage: I thought we were past this. If you don't like iPhone post, please ignore them.