
@NeoAkira: I'm pretty sure all you get is an error code and a screen telling you to contact support. At least thats how I remember it happening...

@Arken: Well that sucks. If your office is that hot I can only imagine how it must feel in the injection molding plant across from where I work.

@Arken: Cry me a river.

@AOClaus: Because they mod cases, therefore bestowing the title of "case modder" upon themselves.

@eirrann: I'm pretty sure they did it on porpoise.

@soto: Holy crap dude. Its a gadget blog, not a sports blog.

@erichg14: The way I see it, backwards compatible isn't always better. The new HDD is smaller and internal so my guess is that it was a design issue. They wanted to make it smaller, but keeping it backwards compatible would limit what they could do (this is just me speculating btw).

@Peter Shultz: Yay! No more tearing apart AV cables to use HDMI and optical audio at the same time!

@snitch: meh. They're all made by the same 12 year old in Taiwan with a soldering gun.

@theblazeuk: Unless this child was taking steroids, there is no way a 3 year old would have the muscle necessary to cock a pistol. This man left a gun which was loaded, cocked, and without the safety on (which doesn't make a gun more safe btw. many people have died because someone "thought the safety was on") within

Well apparenlty the acceleration isn't so random if he can duplicate the event....

@tetracycloide: How is cutting off a service due to violation of the ToS even remotely comparable to ransacking a house?

Eh, not the greatest idea. You sacrifice a lot of structural integrity by flipping the boards. When you are building something such as a deck you always make sure the growth rings form an arch rather than a dip when you lay the board down because it is much more sturdy. If the lumber you are using is already weathered

Ugh, I can't stand the smell of dryer sheets. Its like inhaling magma every time I smell one. Static I can live with. Dryer sheets, not so much.