Nadine Anderson-Conklin

I expect also our flashbacks will begin to show Frank transforming into the hardass we know and alternately love, hate, tolerate and feel indifferent towards because Sam believes he failed to protect Annalise, and guilts him for it. Frank's investigatory talents may also be developed at this point here, as he looks

Paula must also harbour a fair amount of unconscious resentment toward Rebecca for the fact theirs is a one-way friendship and only on one occasion (almost sleeping with the client) has Rebecca shown any real interest in Paula's life.

Since you asked, Paula is a surrogate mother to Rebecca. The bad apple juice is effectively a poisoned apple. The episode is rife with fairytale references. I'm sure you don't need more dot-joining. :p
The fun twist is that neither Paula nor Rebecca realise the harm Paula is doing.

Yeah, that'll totally happen.

I find myself myself thinking that Paula and Rebecca need to see a therapist together, followed by Paula committing to a longggggggg period of help, alone. Toxic is an understatement. I partly wonder if Rebecca won't come back from the in-air shrink session, announce that she has realised that West Covina was a

Also, when Bonnie says "it helps sometimes" to pregnant Annalise about lying on her side, she seems to be speaking from experience, which adds a devastating layer to the Bonnie child abuse background. I think that is important