
Obviously not, or there wouldn’t have been this silly video about testing the knife resistance of a Kevlar jacket.

He’s thinking application of the scientific method. You can’t objectively define the performance of something if you don’t control all the other parameters in the test. For example, you wouldn’t compare the 0-60 times between two cars by testing one on a wet track and the other on a dry track.

Why would anyone care more for what Trump says? Zuck has been more successful than Trump and failed much less without being nearly as big a dick.

Poisonous meat that could possibly kill you, but probably won’t if prepared correctly?

Yeah, because infectious diseases totally respect borders.

Rio is a disaster and I still have no idea how it was selected to host an event the size of the Olympics.

“All the muslims”?

Doesn’t Germany have specific train cars for families traveling with smaller kids? If not, can we do that anyway? Like on the Amtrak and Commuter rail lines? Space for strollers and nobody commuting after a bad day of work has to be surrounded by kids asking questions like “why is that fat man sad?”.

I always love hearing supposedly pro-science people say less information is better.

Trump 2016

This is easily the most interesting thing that’s ever happened at any auto show.

How about the six stages of getting off FB. I left last year. I regret nothing. I’m still alive to tell the tale, and all of my in real life friends are still my friends. You too can leave.

The underlying key issue at Apple’s “Hell No” is setting a precedent. There might be a million ways to comply with the authorities for this one phone but they’re like a kid who always wants just one more cookie despite you saying “ok, here’s one more but this is the last time”. And you have to see the bigger picture -

Too bad it’s not a 5s; if it were couldn’t they just mash his lifeless fingers on the home button to unlock the phone?

After which, you have our solemn word, we promise to discard this custom OS and would never, ever dream of using it again. Or, wait, we’ll send a copy to every FBI office and major police jurisdiction, and tell them to only use it when it’s really important (their call) and keep secure when they’re not using it (a

I exist entirely because of the war; my parents met in ‘44 when my father was stationed at an out-of-the way army post, a part of the country he never would have visited otherwise. They married when he got back from the Pacific in ‘46, and I was born three years later.

“The Zika virus deliberately seeks out poor pregnant women, which is why they are disproportionately targets.”

“Metazoans are not a famous animal class, but they are a far-reaching one. A metazoan is any animal which is multi-cellular, and whose many cells are divided up into different tissues.”

cardio is basically the worst thing on the planet for weight loss