
Almost 37 weeks and havent been nauseous or vomited once. So don’t worry, literally everything anyone says about pregnancy only applies to SOME people, SOME of the time. This is my first, and Ive come to realize the answer is always “It could be x, but its probably normal for you” lol not exactly comforting, I know.

You didn’t take it because it probably felt slimy to take a bribe, as it should. If he was offering a refund for the work he didn’t do well, and simply asked you to add that he gave you a refund to your review -that would be one thing. You may have felt like you posted the review to feel better, but I for one

So, basically, you’re okay with ingesting something that may or may not have adverse health effects, because, you now, who cares? I am not “irrationally scared of GMOs” however, I prefer not to be the guinea pig for large corporations that try new things without actual scientific studies, including long term health

If you think “the boobs in that picture” look like A cups, you are a. watching way too much porn b. not a woman c. probably not a man who has seen many boobs in his life. Also, if you are going to arbitrarily post statistics, please back them up with data, so if I am wrong I can be educated.

No matter how many times you post this statement, it is still irrelevant.

The CDC uses this data to figure out if different outbreaks may be linked linked: for intense, if an E. coli-laced burrito you get in California is part of the same outbreak that left E. coli in a tray of tacos in Minnesota.

So does that mean that the immunity passes to the fetus and the virus is no longer able to destroy fetal brain matter/do whatever other damage it does? If this is true then a working vaccine should stop this quickly.

It seems we are missing something.

False. Judgemental, and idiotic as well, but just plain false. Gluten is a protein found in a variety of grains. Wheat, Barely, Rye, etc. However, because we screw with everything, it is also found in random things that a normal person wouldn’t even think to look at. It may not be on a label at all, however the plant

I didn’t say put everything that “may possibly make someone feel sick” on the front of a product. However, Gluten has become a major allergen. Yes it has also become a fad to eat gluten free, but a huge amount of people have actual severe problems -Celiac, Crohns, things I hope you never experience despite your lack

You may not have gluten issues, but some of us unfortunately do. Same with other allergens, major and minor. I would prefer to know exactly what is in my food so I could make a conscious decision to either consume or avoid said food. Not sure why “Gluten Free” being prominently on the face of a product, making it

Well, until a few weeks ago, the scientific community did not know that it could be spread via sexual contact. They still are not quite sure how it is being spread or if one has to be exhibiting symptoms to spread it. They are not sure how long it stays in your system, or how exactly it infects a fetus. It seems that

Our dog is a pit-mix type creature. The kid sleeps on him, and the cat randomly slaps him around, because, you He is a sweet, gentle dog that just wants his hoomans around and some steak once in a while. Bad dogs come from bad owners and bad lives, 98% of the time. Just like people, I am sure some dogs just

I would sure hate to be a guinea pig baby born out of these experiments. “OOps, it appears we didn’t eliminate the parental “medical condition” but instead have made it worse. The organism also developed other abnormalities that were not forseen” “Our bad!”

Fairly certain the “hipster ass” comment is related to your opening paragraph which includes the following:

Seems that the poster is saying there may be a correlation between giving the TdAP vaccinne to pregnant women and the massive increase in microcephaly cases. (150cases one year, to over 3,530 the following year). It is feasible that either the vaccine is causing the actual problem, OR the vaccine somehow makes a fetus