
I see people talking about a lot of emotions here, but I haven’t seen anyone mention fear. Sure, I feel frustrated, or sometimes angry with people who aren’t taking this virus seriously, but more than that I am afraid of this virus.

While we did get conflicting advice for a little while, anyone with half a brain knew that wearing a mask was the way to go by, like, mid-March.

For real. We have gotten conflicting messages but if you stick to listening to people who actually know things about viruses (the CDC, doctors, etc) it's been pretty clear.

Would I tell them “I told you so,”?  No.  Would I tell all my other friends eating in restaurants I know someone who got sick doing that? Yes. 

I agree with Brandy that “don’t let being right get in the way of being good” is the way to go here. That said, you can choose how good you want to be. A polite “wow, sucks, sorry you’re not feeling well, keep me posted” is just fine. You don’t need to join the meal train or offer to clean her bathroom.

[depression/suicide mention] I’m usually an introvert, so I didn’t think the inability to leave my house very often would bother me. But the pandemic has stressed out my friends so much that we don’t even talk online anymore, and I keep having intrusive thoughts about intentionally getting COVID and not caring whether

I feel like there are a lot of gray areas, but indoor dining isn’t one of them. 

This. It’s been really hard to watch people I once considered kind and socially conscious continue to engage in risky behavior because they’re...bored. All people with secure jobs and insurance and housing. I love them, but I certainly do not like them right now and I struggle to imagine hanging out with them in

So I saw this from my ultra-religious great-aunt on her FaceBook page. I think it’s that these people have so completely subsumed Trump into their own identity, that when the insurrection happened, and they caught glimpse of their own, ugly political reflection in it, they couldn’t deal with it. My great-aunt had this

It’s a simple feeling of unfairness, compounded by the feeling that others’ irresponsibility is lengthening the pandemic, and even a personal hurt if they’ve personally lost friends and family.

But I think there’s a far greater danger in being swayed by the idea that people invite their own misfortune.

No love for SOMEWHERE IN TIME? Kids these days.

I wouldn’t say “I told you so”, but I would also keep my response honest and just keep it at “I hope you get well soon.”

TL:DR - you can’t be mad at your friend because Brandy also likes to go out and do the things your friend is doing.

I really sympathize with the letter writer here. I think one of the things we’ll be dealing with long after this pandemic is over is the loss of respect for people over their behavior throughout this ordeal. I mean, I get that there are some people who would look at me going for walks in my neighborhood with friends

You mean this photo?  What gets me is the men hanging their heads in shame; unlike President Dumb Fuck J. Drama Queen, they are shame-able.  

A hearty fuck you to all the men who downplayed this when AOC detailed her experience. The videos are all round terrifying. But, the sing song threat to Nancy Pelosi highlighted how men use gendered violence to specifically menace women. “Hang Mike Pence” is chilling. But the death threat is directed at him for doing

Remember when Trump released that photo of Pelosi standing up in a room full of men and pointing her finger at him while he looked so grumpy and fragile? And he thought everyone would agree that the photo looked good for him and bad for her?

Quantum Leap did it a few times, perhaps most effectively when Sam jumped into some rando and told Al’s wife that he was still alive and in Vietnam and would be coming home.

This seems like a golden opportunity to replace her in the cast by introducing Cara’s long-lost sister, Lorna Doone.