Great article, thank you! I married into a family from a state known for it’s resentment at having been mostly forced to be Union. My husband grew up hearing stories gleefully told of ancestors dodging the Union draft.
I had a long, shocking talk with my MIL earlier this year about how the West Coast state my family…
I live in the third-wealthiest county in New Jersey, in one of the red parts of the state. 2019 per capital income about $92K. A recent study found it to be THE safest place in the country to raise a child (inequality, anyone?). Not a lot of economic anxiety out here, but a lot of white people.
Journalists helped create this lie by focusing on diners, truckers, and giving their subjects folksy names like “Joe the plumber”. They helped create the folksy category that admits white working class people only.
Great piece. Also worth noting that the narrative that these are uneducated hicks misses the point entirely. These insurrectionists were doctors, lawyers, Olympic gold medalists. White supremacy, not intelligence, is the unifying issue.
Not to mention all the preventable COVID-19 deaths if he’d just taken it as seriously as he admitted he knew it was.
I mean, I get that, just about any time you organize a protest, there are going to be people who are... “enthusiastically off-message”? Nah, too soft. “Out to wreck some shit”? Yeah, that’s the stuff. And the larger the protest gets, the harder it is to manage the wild cards. That’s a given with any protest.
Hillbilly Elegy 2: Huckabye Baby!
The USA has always relied upon cheap immigrant labor. There is a critical shortage of low wage workers in the country now. Biden should consider bestowing that job dignity on the undocumented working now. We can’t deport 10 or 20 million workers without collapsing the economy. Anyone working a job in the nation is…
That Hertz!
I love that these morons think Trump is pro-life; I would bet folding money that idiot has paid for at least one abortion (or more correctly, told some model to get an abortion, promised to reimburse her the cost, and then welched). And even if Dipshit admitted he had paid for an abortion, they’d still excuse him but…
All this confusion over Alamo TX / The Alamo seems to be obscuring the irony of using the Alamo as any kind of political backdrop because of, you know, what happened at the Alamo.
450 miles of border wall that has been completed
Can’t wait for the press conference from a random Alamo Rent A Car parking lot
“the most prolife president in our country.”
I’m sure they were just expressing their economic insecurity by chanting “Rang nine cents”.
The idea that an antifa supporter was assaulting an elderly woman on the Capitol steps and there is NO video/pictures of the incident made me actually laugh. There would be some video of it, and Fox/OAN/Newsmax would be playing it on repeat.
These fascists planned this insurrection publicly and have been talking about it for months. Trump, Hawley, Cruz, Brooks, etc. goaded them openly in the lead up to the insurrection and on the day of with a full on fascist rally. Some of the fascists were selling merchandise. These fascists live streamed and posted…
See, Idiocracy was a documetary. Can’t wait for Donnie to go to rehabilitation.