Seriously, what sort of racist nonsense was that about Iranians?
Seriously, what sort of racist nonsense was that about Iranians?
The police drove us to Murkowski’s home, where her husband had built us a nice fire and had glasses of wine awaiting us.
Ugh I can’t imagine who I’m *less* interested to hear from than Ms. “Very Concerned” herself. And of course she pivoted back to *her* fear, intentionally missing the point that her consistent capitulation helped lead us here.
I grew up Catholic and was a member of several parishes, and I had no idea that some bishops didn’t allow women to be altar servers or Eucharistic ministers. That’s nuts.
I found out this morning that my mom has Covid, along with my brother and sister in law at least. My sister may have been exposed as well. My mom stopped at her house on her drive home.
I’m in the greys here on Jez, but I’m posting anyway because some of you know me and I could use some positive energy sent my way. My dad is in the hospital, intubated, and now suffering from both pneumonia and sepsis. He went through chemo and radiation throughout last year for throat cancer. He finished the…
What a week, y’all! The election! The Insurrection! The disgraceful ending of Trump’s political career, along with the would-be political careers of his creepy, self-important adult children! It’s not just Twitter, Reddit, etc., Trump is even banned from Pinterest! It’s a lot to take in, after a span of four years…
I’m really hoping for some CONSEQUENCES for these people. The women who drove the caravans and booked the rally, and the men that did the violence, and of course, the corrupt hateful politicians that incited this madness. The impeachment process has to get rolling fast, while everyone is furious, before all the horror…
If you’re interested in some Saturday evening entertainment, the FBI has started posted the criminal complaints against all the MAGA rioters who have been arrested, and . . . they’re something. This guy is maintaining a thread of the notable ones.
That’s good to hear. :) My bar is low, too. I had a MS relapse from January 4 to January 9 (it ended about an hour ago), so I have a lot of catching up to do.
Those look INCREDIBLE. I am seriously drooling.
Not too bad. I'm getting my second dose of the vaccine on Monday! The bruise from the first dose took awhile to fade, I probably need more iron in my diet or something.
CW: Period talk below...
I survived my trip to Michigan for my friend’s surgery. She’s doing great and everyone else survived as well. It was close since most people apparently find it impossible to get a well fitting mask and keep it on their fucking face; even when doing something risky like traveling. If I didn’t want to make sure I could…
So I think we managed to avoid getting Covid. Big human tested negative and tiny human and I have had no symptoms. Thank goodness !Not gonna lie tho, it was a stressful few days of wondering “ Is today the day we get sick. “ ... Being cooped up even more than usual, we finished our learning set on the Rainforest. Tiny…
Trump could lose his family in a fire and it wouldn’t hurt him more than this does.