Screw the rest but can we talk about how awesome Ben & Jerry’s is for a bit? Both in terms of ice-cream and activism???
Screw the rest but can we talk about how awesome Ben & Jerry’s is for a bit? Both in terms of ice-cream and activism???
[from FB, all sic]
From a Middle Eastern friend:
“Due to covid travel restrictions the US had to set up a coup locally this year”
Those of us active in clinic escorting/defense/intel have seen this Venn diagram overlap for year. Inherent misogyny makes them furious at pregnant people who exercise agency over their bodies, and the incels hate the evidence that patients have had sex and they haven’t.
I have been barfing all day. Barf barf barf. I feel like I’ll be barfing all night. I do not feel good at all. You know how sometimes you feel sick and that if you barfed you’d feel better? I felt like that but have barfed approximately 100 times (okay maybe a bit of an exaggeration) and don’t feel better at all.…
This is a really stupid point, but whenever these Fundamentalist Christian Trump lovers are asked about supporting a thrice-married, adulterer (raw-dog with porn stars, for extra sin-value), crude, prideful, narcissistic liar; they often come back to “God is using the sinner for his purposes” kinda nonsense.
As a potentially positive sign, or at least if it chosen to be viewed as such, when announcing the choice of Garland as the next Attourney General, Biden began the speech by directly comparing the response to the BLM protestors last summer and what happened with the right wing protestors this week. While it is always…
We are not dealing with a simple misunderstanding or differences in language.
I used to think “this is not who we are.” Then I realized what I was saying is “this is not who I wish we were.”
BTW all the conservatives, libertarians, and other Trump supporters on my FB feed are now claiming that BLM activists infiltrated and orchestrated the whole thing and the proof of that is Trump calling for peace yesterday. You need more proof? One of the terrorists had a blurry mark on his hand that looked like a…
I was thinking about this last night. I feel like the whole anti-abortion movement has helped prime all these people to swallow the QANON and Trump horseshit hook, line, and sinker. I certainly understand why people can have moral objections to abortion. There are certainly ways to mitigate it: improving access to…
They also like Captain America and Homelander, safe to say these chucklefucks do not understand any of these characters or the points their creators were trying to make.
I’m listening to the speechifying on the Senate floor right now; Loeffler did a complete 180.
Have President Trump and Caillou ever been seen in the same room together?
Wouldn’t it be crazy if we got rid of Trump and Caillou in the same day?
Turkey taking a swipe at us.....TURKEY
I swear to flying spaghetti monster, if I don’t see these fools marched out in cuffs, if I don’t see HUNDREDS of arrests.....