

I read that book so many times! Boobies + twins + seraphim (who tranform themselves into good animals) + nephilim (who transform themselves into bad animals) + Biblical references + societal corruption = BEST BOOK OF THE WHOLE SERIES.

MANY WATERS! That one is AMAZING! I learned a lot about the Bible from that one...

Dear Single Men of (Insert Any City Here),

Women: Men should stop attacking women.

I...I just...This sucks so much. Her poor family.

Now can we talk about how the entitlement complexes of certain men breed actual, real violence? Because apparently the UCSB massacre wasn't a clear enough example for some people.

Also, I'm sick of hearing that we're not supposed to discuss politics in the immediate

Besides, you just know this guy was wearing Dior. And had a monogrammed thermos.

I don't accept your approval. And I find bitterness is useful to propel the complaining, which is all that I do, while being purposefully unattractive to boners.

I'm glad you noticed, we work pretty hard at being ugly. Women for too long have been kept down by beauty standards that please men's boners. The best and only true feminist response is therefore to work very hard at ensuring that we are not pleasing to men's boners. It is always about boners.

This is the cartoon that helped turn me on to orchestral music. Not that I didn't like anything classical or orchestral before it, but it really made me pay attention and begin to appreciate it.

Now playing

I still prefer to think of Pysch's "Dual Spires" as the missing "Peaks" episode

SPOILER ALERT: The log grows up to become Groot 25 years later.

Did her company get a 'not enough vegan options' review on yelp?


Don't read the youtube comments. That's some weapons-grade racist asshattery right there.

I'm especially tired of large corporate persons (minority) running this country.

I think you should. It matters to you. I've been through having a parent with cancer, and I can tell you that it is okay for you to keep things balanced and to continue to live your life. In fact, it's important that you do. Tell your mom that you will be safe, and then go ahead and go. You're an adult. Also,

I thought oil companies were ruining America but it was those pesky minorities all along.

And I'm tired of rich people (minority) running this country too.