Just have the kids throw cans at the gunmen! :/
Just have the kids throw cans at the gunmen! :/
Birthday parties are such competitions these days. My nieces' friends have birthday parties at the pool/snip its/wherever, so my nieces have to have the same thing. One of my sisters was worrying about the price, and I said, why not have it at home and save money? Of course, I don't understand, how could my sisters…
Thanks. I was wondering why it was called that.
Please, I don't want to Google it. What are fleshlights?
Glad to have left some good to help expunge the bad. :)
The only good Vlogbrothers fic (also the only one I've read, so there's that) is intentionally terrible: Maureen Johnson's John/Hank/Katherine/Benedict Cumberbatch fanfic that was a perk for the 2013 P4A. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it.
It is, because I was not aware of this. I'd insert a "nope" gif, but someone would probably tell me the octopus and the llama are the main characters in animal slash fic.
I had a priest whom I otherwise respected explain in a lecture that women have already been given the highest honor in the Church because Mary (who I guess represents all women?) was chosen to give birth to our Lord, so women don't need to be priests. My response (purely hypothetical, as I was too dumbfounded to think…
Ahhhhhh! They're children!
Sorry. :(
I don't understand shipping real people. It's so, so creepy.
Hank Green also will look at questions on tumblr, if you can't fit your question into a tweet. His tumblr post is here: http://edwardspoonhands.com/post/108168730…. You can also reply to his comment on the video included in the article (his comment is from the Vlogbrothers account).
Didn't he talk to the president last year?
Did you see John's response?
Yeah, the whole "traditional marriage" thing is so completely inaccurate.